a honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum, of Europe, SW Asia, and N Africa, having fragrant creamy flowers
2. American woodbine
3. US another name for Virginia creeper (sense 1)
4. Australian obsolete, slang
an Englishman
Word origin
sense 4 from the English brand of cigarettes so named
woodbine in American English
a European climbing honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) with fragrant, yellowish-white flowers
any of various other honeysuckles
2. US
a tendril-climbing vine (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) of the grape family, growing in E North America and having palmately compound leaves with five leaflets and green flower clusters that produce dark-blue, inedible berries
Word origin
ME wodebinde < OE wudubinde < wudu, wood1 + binde < bindan, to bind