the examination of objects opaque to light by means of another form of radiation, usually x-rays
Derived forms
radioscopic (ˌreidiouˈskɑpɪk)radioscopical
Word origin
[1895–1900; radio- + -scopy]This word is first recorded in the period 1895–1900. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Marxism, backstage, calling card, neon, slapstickradio- is a combining form with the meanings “dealing with radiant energy” (radiometer), “employing or dealing with radio waves” (radioacoustics; radiolocation; radiotelephone), “emitting rays as a result of the breakup of atomic nuclei” (radioactive; radiocarbon), “characterized by, employing or dealing with such rays” (radiography; radiopaque; radiotherapy); -scopy is a combining form used to form abstract action nouns corresponding to nouns withstems ending in -scope. Other words that use the affix -scopy include: arthroscopy, cryoscopy, fluoroscopy, hepatoscopy, spectroscopy
Examples of 'radioscopy' in a sentence
Closed reduction in traction table was performed with radioscopy.
Maurício de Moraes, Rubens Rodrigues, Carlo Milani, Edison Noboru Fujiki, Nelson KeiskeOno, Paulo H. N. da Costa 2005, 'Estudo das fraturas peritrocanterianas instáveis do fêmur tratadas com haste céfalo-diafisáriabloqueada: técnica minimamente invasiva Study of femur unstable peritrochanteric fracturestreated with blocked cephalodiaphyseal shaft: a minimally invasive technique', Acta Ortopédica Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Here we show the success rate, complications and total time of radioscopy use.
Fernando Sérgio Oliva de Souza, Domingo Marcolino Braile, Reinaldo Wilson Vieira,Salomon Ordinola Rojas, Nicola Luciano Mortati, Alexandre Caputo Rabelo, Sérgio Almeidade Oliveira 2005, 'Aspectos técnicos do implante de eletrodo para estimulação ventricular esquerda atravésdo seio coronariano, com a utilização de anatomia radiológica e eletrograma intracavitário,na terapia de ressincronização cardíaca Technical aspects of lead implantation forleft ventricle pacing through the coronary sinus, using anatomic radiology and intracavitaryelectrography in the cardiac resynchronization therapy', Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The intraoperative analysis was performed through radioscopy and by direct visualization of the syndesmosis.
Evandro Junior Christovan Ribeiro, Sergio Damião Prata, Marco Antônio Rizzo, AndreiMartins Gomes Prado, Diego Luigi Proença Campos 2018, 'Rate of unsatisfactory syndesmotic reduction by means of a postoperative tomographicstudy', Scientific Journal of the Foot & Ankle Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Intraoperative radioscopy was used routinely by 48%.
Gustavo Gonçalves Arliani, Adriano Vaso Rodrigues da Silva, Léo Renato Shigueru Ueda,Diego da Costa Astur, João Alberto Yazigi Júnior, Moises Cohen 2014, 'Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament in cases of acute traumatic dislocationof the patella: current perspectives and trends in Brazil1,', Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The proposed model was tested in experiments of phosphorus metabolism using radioscopy.
Dorinha Miriam Silber Schmidt Vitti, Hugo Tosi, Carlos Eduardo Furtado 2000, 'Gaiola de metabolismo para equinos Metabolism cage for horses', Acta Scientiarum: Animal Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Short- and long-term results were assessed by radioscopy and echocardiography.
Auristela I. O. Ramos, Rui F. Ramos, Dorival J. D. Togna, Antoninho S. Arnoni, RodolfoStaico, Mercedes M. Galo, Zilda M. Meneghelo 2003, 'Fibrinolytic therapy for thrombosis in cardiac valvular prosthesis short and longterm results', Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The mean time of radioscopy utilization was 18.69 min.
Fernando Sérgio Oliva de Souza, Nicola Luciano Mortati, Domingo Marcolino Braile,Reinaldo Wilson Vieira, Salomon Ordinola Rojas, Alessandre Caputo Rabelo, JanuárioManuel de Souza, Sérgio Almeida de Oliveira 2006, 'Aspectos técnicos da cateterização do seio coronariano baseada no componente atrialdo eletrograma intracavitário e anatomia radiológica durante o procedimento de implantede marcapasso biventricular Technical aspects of coronary sinus catheterization basedon the atrial component of the intracavitary electrogram and radiological anatomyduring the implantation procedure of a biventricular pacemaker', Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A radioscopy-guided fine needle aspirate of the affected area was cultured but did not reveal the cause of the disease.
M.A. Ribeiro, A.S. Barouni, C.J. Augusto, M.V.S. Augusto, M.T.P. Lopes, C.E. Salas 2007, 'PCR identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in a clinical sample froma patient with symptoms of tuberculous spondylodiscitis', Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (