a region and former kingdom of NW Spain, which united with Castile in 1230
a city of NW Spain: capital of the kingdom of León (10th century). Pop: 135 634 (2003 est)
a city in central Mexico, in W Guanajuato state: commercial centre of a rich agricultural region. Pop: 1 438 000 (2005 est)
Official name: León de los Aldama (de los alˈdama)
a city in W Nicaragua: one of the oldest towns of Central America, founded in 1524; capital of Nicaragua until 1855; university (1812). Pop: 168 000 (2005 est)
Leon in American English
a masculine name
see also Leo1
León in American English
region in NW Spain: from the 10th cent., a kingdom which united with Castile (1037-1157), separated (1157-1230), and permanently united with Castile (1230)
city in this region: pop. 148,000
city in central Mexico, in Guanajuato state: pop. 868,000