Leo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a lion. People who are born approximately between the 23rd of July and the 22nd of August come under this sign.
2. countable noun
A Leo is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Leo.
Leo in British English1
a name for a lion, used in children's tales, fables, etc
Word origin
from Latin: lion
Leo in British English2
nounWord forms: Latin genitiveLeonis (liːˈəʊnɪs)
1. astronomy
a zodiacal constellation in the N hemisphere, lying between Cancer and Virgo on the ecliptic, that contains the star Regulus and the radiant of the Leonid meteor shower
2. astrology
a. Also called: the Lion
the fifth sign of the zodiac, symbol ♌, having a fixed fire classification and ruled by the sun. The sun is in this sign between about July 23 and Aug 22
a person born during a period when the sun is in this sign
3. astrology
born under or characteristic of Leo
Also (for senses 2b, 3): Leonian
LEO in British English
abbreviation for
low earth orbit
Leo in American English1
a masculine name: var. Leon; fem. Leona
a N constellation between Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright star Regulus; the Lion
the fifth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about July 21
also called the Lion
a person born under this sign
Word origin
Leo in American English2
Saint Leo I a.d. (400?-461); pope (440-461): his day is Nov 10
Saint Leo III(died a.d. 816); pope (795-816): his day is June 12
Leo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a lion. People who are born between the 23rd of July and the 22nd of August come under this sign.
American English: Leo
Arabic: بُرْجُ الأَسَدِ
Brazilian Portuguese: Leão
Chinese: 狮子座
Croatian: lav horoskop
Czech: Lev znamení
Danish: løve stjernetegn
Dutch: Leeuw sterrenbeeld
European Spanish: Leo
Finnish: leijona horoskooppimerkki
French: Lion astrologie
German: Löwe Sternzeichen
Greek: Λέων ζώδιο
Italian: Leone
Japanese: 獅子座
Korean: 사자자리
Norwegian: Løven
Polish: Lew horoskop
European Portuguese: Leão
Romanian: Leuzodie
Russian: Лев
Latin American Spanish: Leo
Swedish: Lejonet
Thai: ราศีสิงห์
Turkish: Aslan burcu
Ukrainian: Лев
Vietnamese: cung Sư tử
Definition of 'Leo'
All related terms of 'Leo'
Leo I
Saint , known as Leo the Great. ?390–461 ad , pope (440–461). He extended the authority of the papacy in the West and persuaded Attila not to attack Rome (452). Feast day: Nov 10 or Feb 18
Leo X
original name Giovanni de' Medici . 1475–1521, pope (1513–21): noted for his patronage of Renaissance art and learning ; excommunicated Luther (1521)
Leo IX
Saint, original name Bruno of Egisheim. 1002–54, pope (1049–54): first of the great medieval reforming popes. Conflict with the Eastern Church led to the schism between Rome and Constantinople (1054). Feast day: April 19
called the Isaurian . ?675–741 ad , Byzantine emperor (717–41): he checked Arab expansionism and began the policy of iconoclasm , which divided the empire for the next century
Leo Minor
a small faint constellation in the N hemisphere lying near Leo and Ursa Major
original name Gioacchino Pecci. 1810–1903, pope (1878–1903). His many important encyclicals include Rerum novarum (1891) on the need for Roman Catholics to take action on various social problems
Chinese translation of 'Leo'
(u) (= sign) 狮(獅)子座 (Shīzi Zuò)
(c) (= person) 狮(獅)子座的人 (Shīzi Zuò de rén) (个(個), gè)