Vladimir Ilyich (vlaˈdimir iljˈjitʃ), original surname Ulyanov. 1870–1924, Russian statesman and Marxist theoretician; first premier of the Soviet Union. He formed the Bolsheviks (1903) and led them in the October Revolution (1917), which established the Soviet Government. He adopted the New Economic Policy (1921) after the Civil War had led to the virtual collapse of the Russian economy, formed the Comintern (1919), and was the originator of the guiding doctrine of the Soviet Union, Marxism-Leninism. After the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, many statues of Lenin were demolished
Lenin in American English
(ˈlɛnɪn; Russian ˈljɛnjɪn)
V(ladimir) I(lyich)(orig., surname Ulyanov; formerly often referred to in error as Nikolai Lenin) 1870-1924; Russ. leader of the Communist revolution of 1917: premier of the U.S.S.R. (1917-24)