a city in and state capital of Mississippi, on the Pearl River. Pop: 179 599 (2003 est)
Jackson in British English2
Andrew. 1767–1845, US statesman, general, and lawyer; seventh president of the US (1829–37). He became a national hero after successfully defending New Orleans from the British (1815). During his administration the spoils system was introduced and the national debt was fully paid off
Colin (Ray). born 1967, Welsh athlete: gold medallist in the 110m hurdles at the world championships (1993, 1999), European Championships (1990, 1994, 1998, 2002), and Commonwealth Games (1990, 1994)
Glenda. born 1936, British stage, film, and television actress, and Labour politician. Her films include Women in Love (1969) for which she won an Oscar, The Music Lovers (1970), Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971), and Turtle Diary (1985); member of parliament (1992–2015)
Jesse (Louis). born 1941, US Democrat politician and clergyman; Black campaigner for minority rights
Michael (Joe). 1958–2009, US pop singer, lead vocalist with the Jacksons (originally the Jackson 5) (1969–86). His solo albums include Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), and Invincible (2001)
Peter. born 1961, New Zealand film director, screenwriter, and producer; his films include Heavenly Creatures (1994), The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001–03), King Kong (2005), and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Thomas Jonathan, known as Stonewall Jackson. 1824–63, Confederate general in the American Civil War, noted particularly for his command at the first Battle of Bull Run (1861)
Jackson in American English1
Andrew1767-1845; U.S. general: 7th president of the U.S. (1829-37): also called Old Hickory
Robert H(oughwout)1892-1954; U.S. jurist: associate justice, Supreme Court (1941-54)
Thomas Jonathan1824-63: Confederate general in the Civil War: called Stonewall Jackson
Jackson in American English2
capital of Miss., in the SW part, on the Pearl River: pop. 184,000