noun3. the male of certain animals, esp of the ass or donkey
4. a mechanical or hydraulic device for exerting a large force, esp to raise a heavy weight such as a motor vehicle
5. any of several mechanical devices that replace manpower, such as a contrivance for rotating meat on a spit
6. one of four playing cards in a pack, one for each suit, bearing the picture of a young prince; knave
7. bowling a small usually white bowl at which the players aim with their own bowls
8. electrical engineering a female socket with two or more terminals designed to receive a male plug (jack plug) that either makes or breaks the circuit or circuits
9. a flag, esp a small flag flown at the bow of a ship indicating the ship's nationality
Compare Union Jack 10. nautical either of a pair of crosstrees at the head of a topgallant mast used as standoffs for the royal shrouds
11. a part of the action of a harpsichord, consisting of a fork-shaped device on the end of a pivoted lever on which a plectrum is mounted
12. any of various tropical and subtropical carangid fishes, esp those of the genus Caranx, such as C. hippos (crevalle jack)
13. Also called: jackstone one of the pieces used in the game of jacks
14. short for applejack, bootjack, jackass, jackfish, jack rabbit, lumberjack
15. US a slang word for money
16. every man jack
17. the jack