The two women were sitting side by side at the single table in the room.
Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002)
He turned his back to the two women, pretending to take an interest in the contents of Julia's desk.
Karin Slaughter BLINDSIGHTED (2002)
All related terms of 'women'
In some parts of the United States and Canada, an alderwoman is a member of the governing body of a city.
a woman
A clergywoman is a female member of the clergy.
a woman who is an enthusiastic member of a club or clubs
a female member of a committee
A Congresswoman is a female member of the US Congress, especially of the House of Representatives.
a woman
a woman
(esp in science fiction ) a woman who inhabits the planet earth
a woman legally freed from slavery or bondage
a female member of a jury
a woman who collects or delivers laundry
The ombudswoman is an independent official who has been appointed to investigate complaints that people make against the government or public organizations.
a woman who spends much time in the outdoors , as in camping, hunting , or fishing
A patrolwoman is a female police officer who patrols a particular area.
an experienced gardener who specializes in collecting rare or interesting plants
A saleswoman is a woman who sells things, either in a shop or directly to customers on behalf of a company.
a woman who is a native or inhabitant of Scotland
A spacewoman is a female astronaut; used mainly by children .
A stateswoman is an important and experienced female politician , especially one who is widely known and respected .
A swordswoman is a woman who is skilled at fighting with a sword.
a woman who uses or is skilled in the use of a sword
a lady's maid
A tradeswoman is a woman who sells goods or services, especially one who owns and runs a shop .
a transgender or transsexual woman
→ washerwoman
A woman is an adult female human being.
a female worker
fancy women
a person's female lover
a woman who, although not ill , attends a health-service clinic for preventive monitoring , health education, and advice
scarlet women
a sinful woman described in Revelation 17, interpreted as a figure either of pagan Rome or of the Roman Catholic Church regarded as typifying vice overlaid with gaudy pageantry
business women
a woman engaged in commercial or industrial business, esp as an owner or executive
Women's Lib
Women's Lib is the same as → Women's Liberation .
women's room
The women's room is a toilet for women in a public building .
Women's Centre
a centre providing medical or social services for women
women's group
A women's group is a group of women who meet regularly, usually to have discussions or to organize campaigns .
Women's Libber
a supporter of Women's Liberation
women's refuge
a house where battered women and their children can go for protection from their oppressors
women's rights
the rights, claimed by and for women, of equal privileges and opportunities with men
Women's Institute
(in Britain and Commonwealth countries) a society for women interested in the problems of the home and in engaging in social activities
Women's Liberation
Women's Liberation is the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities in society as men.
Women's Movement
You use the women's movement to refer to groups of people and organizations that believe that women should have the same rights and opportunities in society as men.
women's shelter
A women's shelter is a place where women can go for safety and protection , for example, if they feel threatened by violence .
women's studies
courses in history , literature , psychology , etc, that are particularly concerned with women's roles , experiences, and achievements
women's suffrage
the right of women to vote
An oilwoman is a woman who owns an oil company or who works in the oil business .
old woman
If you refer to someone, especially a man, as an old woman , you are critical of them because you think they are too anxious about things.
a woman who, although not ill , attends a health-service clinic for preventive monitoring , health education, and advice
If you describe a woman as a yes-woman , you dislike the fact that she seems always to agree with people who have authority over her, in order to gain favour .
我们(們) wǒmen ⇒ They need us. → 他们需要我们。 Tāmen xūyào wǒmen. ⇒ He brought us a present. → 他带给我们一份礼物。 Tā dài gěi wǒmen yī fèn lǐwù. ⇒ He lives with us. → 他和我们住在一起。 Tā hé wǒmen zhù zài yīqǐ.
我们(們) wǒmen ⇒ We live in London. → 我们住在伦敦。 Wǒmen zhù zài Lúndūn.
我们(們)的 wǒmen de ⇒ our apartment → 我们的公寓 wǒmen de gōngyù
我们(們)的 wǒmen de
the men/women/houses/books
男人/女人/房子/书(書) nánrén/nǚrén/fángzi/shū
he was very attractive to women
他对(對)女人很有吸引力 tā duì nǚrén hěn yǒu xīyǐnlì
我们(們)自己 wǒmen zìjǐ ⇒ We built the house ourselves. → 我们自己盖了房子。 Wǒmen zìjǐ gàile fángzi. ⇒ We ourselves live in London. → 我们本人住在伦敦。 Wǒmen běnrén zhù zài Lúndūn. ⇒ We bought ourselves a new car. → 我们给自己买了辆新车。 Wǒmen gěi zìjǐ mǎile liàng xīnchē.
and neither did we
我们(們)也不 wǒmen yě bù
( be engaged in, achieve ) 做 zuò
( thing, person, idea ) 每 měi
each of us
我们(們)每个(個)人 wǒmen měigèrén
( travel, move ) 去 qù
let's go
我们(們)走吧 wǒmen zǒu ba
by ourselves
( unaided ) 我们(們)独(獨)力地 wǒmen dúlì de ⇒ We're learning to play the guitar by ourselves. → 我们在自学吉他。 Wǒmen zài zìxué jítā.
( at an advanced point of ) 晚的 wǎn de ⇒ in the late afternoon → 傍晚 bàngwǎn
let's go into town
我们(們)进(進)城吧 wǒmen jìnchéng ba
let's go/eat
我们(們)走/吃吧 wǒmen zǒu/chī ba ⇒ I'm bored. Let's go home. → 我觉得无聊,我们回家吧。 Wǒ juéde wúliáo, wǒmen huíjiā ba.
let's hit the road
( inf ) 我们(們)启(啟)程吧 wǒmen qǐchéng ba
( in country ) 公路 gōnglù [ 条(條) tiáo ]
this is ours
这(這)是我们(們)的 zhè shì wǒmen de
we are closely related
我们(們)是近亲(親) wǒmen shì jìnqīn
we have company
我们(們)有客人 wǒmen yǒu kèrén
we're late
我们(們)迟(遲)到了 wǒmen chídào le
( suppose ) 假设(設) jiǎshè
( with complement ) 是 shì
[ c ] ( Anat ) 手 shǒu [ 只 zhī ]
let us assume that ...
让(讓)我们(們)假设(設) ... ràng wǒmen jiǎshè ...
( thus, likewise ) 这(這)样(樣) zhèyàng
we have the matter in hand
我们(們)控制了局势(勢) wǒmen kòngzhìle júshì
we were so worried
我们(們)非常担(擔)心 wǒmen fēicháng dānxīn
what is to be done?
我们(們)该(該)怎么(麼)办(辦)? wǒmen gāi zěnmebàn?
( have same opinion ) 同意 tóngyì ⇒ They find it hard to agree about this. → 他们觉得很难同意这一点。 Tāmen juéde hěn nán tóngyì zhè yī diǎn.
所有的 suǒyǒu de
( paper, cassette ) 空白的 kòngbái de
( worried ) 担(擔)心的 dānxīn de
五 wǔ
( recipient ) 为(為) wèi
go on
( continue ) 继(繼)续(續) jìxù
half price
半价(價)的 bànjià de
head off
( person, vehicle ) 上前拦(攔)住 shàngqián lánzhù
( frm : fair : decision, punishment, reward ) 公平的 gōngpíng de ⇒ Was Pollard's life sentence just or was it too severe? → 判波拉德无期徒刑公平呢,还是太重了? Pàn Bōlādé wúqī túxíng gōngpíng ne, háishì tài zhòng le? ( society, cause ) 公正的 gōngzhèng de ⇒ a just and civilized society → 一个公正文明的社会 yī gè gōngzhèng wénmíng de shèhuì