The animals closely resemble wolves, howl, and are more likely to be aggressive.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
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All related terms of 'wolves'
A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog .
wolf note
a predatory canine mammal, Canis lupus , which hunts in packs and was formerly widespread in North America and Eurasia but is now less common
to behave or act like a wolf
dog wolf
a male wolf
red wolf
a small, reddish wolf ( Canis rufus ) of the SE U.S.
a female wolf
dire wolf
an extinct wolf , Canis dirus , widespread in North America during the Pleistocene Epoch , having a larger body and a smaller brain than the modern wolf
grey wolf
a variety of the wolf , Canis lupus , having a grey brindled coat and occurring in forested northern regions, esp of North America
lone wolf
a person who prefers to be or act alone
throw to the wolves
to abandon or deliver to destruction
timber wolf
a variety of the wolf , Canis lupus , having a grey brindled coat and occurring in forested northern regions, esp of North America
prairie wolf
→ coyote
Tasmanian wolf
a fierce , flesh-eating, possibly extinct species ( Thylacinus cynocephalus , family Thylacinidae) of Tasmanian marsupial with dark stripes on the back
throw someone to the wolves
to allow someone to be criticized severely or treated roughly , and not try to protect them
A coyote is a small wolf which lives in the plains of North America.
an extinct or very rare doglike carnivorous marsupial , Thylacinus cynocephalus, of Tasmania , having greyish-brown fur with dark vertical stripes on the back: family Dasyuridae