Altogether, we interviewed 111 supervisor–supervisee (health worker) pairs using semi-structured interview schedules and case vignettes.
Bhuputra Panda, Sanghamitra Pati, Srinivas Nallala, Abhimanyu S. Chauhan, Anita Anasuya,Meena Som, Sanjay Zodpey 2015, 'How supportive supervision influences immunization session site practices: a quasi-experimentalstudy in Odisha, India', Global Health Action Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Additional research could determine how to support supervisors in passing a counselor professional identity to the supervisee during supervision.
Daniel R. Cruikshanks, Stephanie T. Burns 2017, 'Clinical supervisors' ethical and professional identity behaviors with postgraduatesupervisees seeking independent licensure', Cogent Psychology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (