Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense questions, present participle questioning, past tense, past participle questioned
1. countable noun
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
They asked a great many questions about England. [+ about]
The President refused to answer further questions on the subject. [+ on]
Right, next question.
Synonyms: inquiry, enquiry, query, investigation More Synonyms of question
2. verb
If you question someone, you ask them a lot of questions about something.
This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: interrogate, cross-examine, interview, examine More Synonyms of question
questioninguncountable noun
The police have detained thirty-two people for questioning.
3. verb
If you question something, you have or express doubts about whether it is true, reasonable, or worthwhile.
It never occurs to them to question the doctor's decisions. [VERB noun]
Weber is challenging his audience to question their own beliefs. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: dispute, challenge, doubt, suspect More Synonyms of question
See to call something into question
5. countable noun
A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered.
But the whole question of aid is a tricky political one. [+ of]
That decision raised questions about the fairness of his procedure.
The question is: Is this what we really want?
...if the security question is not resolved.
It was just a question of having the time to re-adjust.
Synonyms: issue, point, matter, subject More Synonyms of question
6. countable noun
The questions in an examination are the problems which are set in order to test your knowledge or ability.
The style of exam questions had changed over the decades.
That question did come up in the examination.
7. See also cross-question, leading question, questioning, trick question
See good question
See in question
See out of the question
See to pop the question
See there's no question of doing sth
See without question
See without question
More Synonyms of question
English Easy Learning GrammarDare and needThe two verbs dare and need have characteristics of both modal verbs and main verbs.Because of this, they are called semi-modals. They sometimes behave ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarDeclarative, interrogative, and imperative statementsEach sentence in English provides some type of information. For example, a sentencecan be a statement, a question, a request, a command, a denial or a ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarSentence tagsTags are short additions that look like questions, used at the end of a declarativesentence. They are sometimes called question tags, but many sentences ... Read more
question in British English
a form of words addressed to a person in order to elicit information or evoke a response; interrogative sentence
a point at issue
it's only a question of time until she dies
the question is how long they can keep up the pressure
a difficulty or uncertainty; doubtful point
a question of money
there's no question about it
an act of asking
an investigation into some problem or difficulty
a motion presented for debate by a deliberative body
6. put the question
7. law
a matter submitted to a court or other tribunal for judicial or quasi-judicial decision
8. question of fact
9. question of law
10. beg the question
11. beyond (all) question
12. call in
13. in question
14. out of the question
15. pop the question
verb(mainly tr)
to put a question or questions to (a person); interrogate
to make (something) the subject of dispute or disagreement
to express uncertainty about the validity, truth, etc, of (something); doubt
▶ USAGE The question whether should be used rather than the question of whether or the question as to whether: this leaves open the question whether he acted correctly
Derived forms
questioner (ˈquestioner)
Word origin
C13: via Old French from Latin quaestiō, from quaerere to seek
question in American English
(ˈkwɛstʃən; ˈkwɛstjən)
an asking; inquiry
something that is asked; interrogative sentence, as in seeking to learn or in testing another's knowledge; query
doubt; uncertainty
no question of his veracity
something in controversy before a court
a problem; matter open to discussion or inquiry
a matter or case of difficulty
not a question of money
a point being debated or a resolution brought up for approval or rejection before an assembly
the procedure of putting such a matter to a vote
verb transitive
to ask a question or questions of; interrogate; put queries to
to express uncertainty about; doubt
to dispute; challenge
verb intransitive
to ask a question or questions
beside the question
beyond (all) question
in question
out of the question
Derived forms
questioner (ˈquestioner)
Word origin
ME < Anglo-Fr questiun < OFr question < L quaestio < pp. of quaerere, to ask, inquire
More idioms containing
the 64,000 dollar question
beg the question
a question mark
COBUILD Collocations
awkward question
basic question
big question
central question
complex question
consider the question
critical question
difficult question
dodge the question
duck the question
ethical question
exam question
face questions
field questions
follow-up question
following question
further questions
hard question
important question
interesting question
interview question
intriguing question
moral question
perennial question
profound questions
quiz question
raise questions
real question
searching question
serious question
specific question
tackle the question
tough question
unanswerable question
vital question
Examples of 'question' in a sentence
It is encouraging anyone with questions about its operations to attend.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Too many scans and blood tests are carried out automatically rather than to answer a specific question.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
When questioned by police he said that he was lost and could not remember what had happened.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You cannot question the ability of the manager.
The Sun (2016)
You will also be asked a love question that surprises as much as it thrills you.
The Sun (2016)
Officers confirmed that anyone in contact with the star hours before his death would have been questioned as a matter of routine.
The Sun (2016)
This can take some time, which is doubtless the point of the question.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Going back to his early years, friends questioned why he had joined a dying industry.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The film raises questions about the number of assailants.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The answer to this question is not so simple.
Boyne, Roy Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason (1990)
Last night three men and a woman who were arrested were being questioned by police.
The Sun (2015)
There have always been questions over his ability to deliver on highest stage.
The Sun (2012)
The only point at question is what was there originally.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
This is not the sort of question that doctors are used to asking.
Dylan Evans PLACEBO: The Belief Effect (2003)
We will continue to ask ministers the questions our audience want answered.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
This existential question matters to million of people caught in the inheritance tax trap.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
That family connection calls into question her ability to be impartial.
The Sun (2014)
That is a question for next year.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
We have to ask ourselves some questions.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The attack raised serious questions about who should decide where it is safe to fly.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
She should have asked those questions about the initial police operation.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
So why should we shield him from answering their questions or facing their justice?
The Sun (2012)
Last night her parents were understood to be facing questioning by police.
The Sun (2010)
She questioned her ability to serve on the board.
Christianity Today (2000)
He deflected the question and pointed to the soldiers once again.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The first question your doctor will ask is where does it hurt.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Asked the question 'Do the benefits of electronic patient records outweigh the risks?
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Ask a silly question and you get a silly answer
Ask no questions and hear no lies
In other languages
British English: question /ˈkwɛstʃən/ NOUN
A question is something which you say or write in order to ask about a particular matter.
He refused to answer further questions.
American English: question
Arabic: سُؤَال
Brazilian Portuguese: questão
Chinese: 问题
Croatian: pitanje
Czech: otázka
Danish: spørgsmål
Dutch: vraag om antwoord te krijgen
European Spanish: pregunta
Finnish: kysymys
French: question interrogation
German: Frage
Greek: ερώτηση
Italian: domanda
Japanese: 質問
Korean: 질문
Norwegian: spørsmål
Polish: pytanie
European Portuguese: questão
Romanian: întrebare
Russian: вопрос
Latin American Spanish: pregunta
Swedish: fråga
Thai: คำถาม
Turkish: soru
Ukrainian: питання
Vietnamese: câu hỏi
British English: question /ˈkwɛstʃən/ VERB
If you question someone, you ask them questions about something.
I questioned him on his adventures.
American English: question
Arabic: يَسْتَجْوِب
Brazilian Portuguese: questionar
Chinese: 询问
Croatian: ispitivati
Czech: vyslýchat
Danish: sætte spørgsmålstegn ved
Dutch: ondervragen
European Spanish: preguntar
Finnish: asettaa kyseenalaiseksi
French: questionner
German: befragen
Greek: αμφιβάλλω
Italian: interrogare
Japanese: 質問する
Korean: 질문하다
Norwegian: spørre
Polish: zadać pytania
European Portuguese: questionar
Romanian: a întreba
Russian: задавать вопрос
Latin American Spanish: preguntar
Swedish: ifrågasätta
Thai: ไต่ถาม
Turkish: sormak
Ukrainian: запитувати
Vietnamese: hỏi
All related terms of 'question'
in question
The person, thing, or time in question is one which you have just been talking about or which is relevant .
WH question
a question in English to which an appropriate answer is to give information rather than to answer "yes" or "no": typically introduced by the word who, which, what, where, when, or how
big question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
exam question
The questions in an examination are the problems which are set in order to test your knowledge or ability.
good question
If you say ' Good question ' in reply to a question, you mean that it is a difficult question to answer, or perhaps that you are embarrassed about the answer or do not know the answer.
hard question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
moot question
an issue or position which is open to debate
open question
If something is an open question , people have different opinions about it and nobody can say which opinion is correct .
question mark
A question mark is the punctuation mark ? which is used in writing at the end of a question.
question tag
In grammar, a question tag is a very short clause at the end of a statement which changes the statement into a question. For example, in 'She said half price, didn't she?', the words 'didn't she' are a question tag.
question time
(in parliamentary bodies of the British type) a period of time set aside each day for members to question government ministers
quiz question
The questions in an examination are the problems which are set in order to test your knowledge or ability.
real question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
tag question
a clause added on to another clause to invite the hearer's agreement or conversational cooperation . Tags are usually in the form of a question with a pronoun as subject, the antecedent of which is the subject of the main clause; as isn't it in the bread is on the table, isn't it?
basic question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
bonus question
a question in a quiz which earns a contestant extra points
catch question
if someone asks you a trick question, they ask you a question which is very difficult to answer , for example because there is a hidden difficulty or because the answer that seems obvious is not the correct one
If you cross-question someone, you ask them a lot of questions about something.
direct question
a question asked in direct speech , such as Why did you come ?
essay question
an examination question that requires an answer in the form of an essay
loaded question
a question containing a hidden trap or implication
moral question
A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered.
question master
the chair of a quiz or panel game
Question Period
a period of time set aside each day for members of parliament to question government ministers
tough question
A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered.
trick question
If someone asks you a trick question , they ask you a question which is very difficult to answer, for example because there is a hidden difficulty or because the answer that seems obvious is not the correct one.
vexed question
an issue that is much debated and discussed
vital question
A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered.
awkward question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
central question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
complex question
A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered.
critical question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
difficult question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
ethical question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
following question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
important question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
indirect question
An indirect question is the same as a → reported question .
interview question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
leading question
A leading question is expressed in such a way that it suggests what the answer should be.
perennial question
A question is a problem , matter, or point which needs to be considered.
previous question
(in the House of Commons ) a motion to drop the present topic under debate , put in order to prevent a vote
reported question
A reported question is a question which is reported using a clause beginning with a word such as 'why' or 'whether', as in 'I asked her why she'd done it'.
searching question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
serious question
A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered.
specific question
A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something.
without question
If you do something without question , you do it without arguing or asking why it is necessary .
a moot question
something having no practical relevance; an academic question
a question mark
doubt or uncertainty
beg the question
If you say that something begs a particular question , you mean that it makes people want to ask that question; some people consider that this use is incorrect .
call in question
→ question (sense 12 )
Chinese translation of 'question'
(c) (= query) 问(問)题(題) (wèntí) (个(個), gè)
⇒ A panel of experts attempted to answer our questions.专家组试图回答我们的问题。 (Zhuānjiā zǔ shìtú huídá wǒmen de wèntí.)
(u) (= doubt) 疑问(問) (yíwèn)
⇒ There was no question about the diagnosis: she had lung cancer.诊断结果已经没有疑问:她患了肺癌。 (Zhěnduàn jiéguǒ yǐjīng méiyǒu yíwèn:tā huànle fèi'ái.)
(c) (= issue) 议(議)题(題) (yìtí) (项, xiàng)
⇒ the nuclear power question核能源议题 (hénéngyuán yìtí)
(c) (in written exam) 试(試)题(題) (shìtí) (道, dào)
⇒ You have to answer four questions in two hours.你得在两小时内回答四道题。 (Nǐ děi zài liǎng xiǎoshí nèi huídá sì dào tí.)
(= interrogate) 盘(盤)问(問) (pánwèn)
⇒ A man is being questioned by police in connection with the attack.一名与该袭击有关的男子正受到警方盘问。 (Yī míng yǔ gāi xíjī yǒuguān de nánzǐ zhèng shòudào jǐngfāng pánwèn.)
(= doubt) 怀(懷)疑 (huáiyí)
⇒ It never occurs to them to question the doctor's decisions.他们从未想过要质疑医生的决定。 (Tāmen cóngwèi xiǎngguo yào zhìyí yīshēng de juédìng.)
to ask sb a question, to put a question to sb问(問)某人一个(個)问(問)题(題),向某人提出问(問)题(題) (wèn mǒurén yī gè wèntí, xiàng mǒurén tíchū wèntí)
to be in question出问(問)题(題)的 (chū wèntí de)
to bring or call sth into question对(對)某事提出质(質)疑 (duì mǒushì tíchū zhìyí)
to be open to question令人怀(懷)疑的 (lìng rén huáiyí de)
to be beyond question不成问(問)题(題)的 (bù chéng wèntí de)
without question (= unquestioningly) 毫无(無)异(異)议(議) (háo wú yìyì) (= without doubt) 毫无(無)疑问(問) (háo wú yíwèn)
the question is ... 问(問)题(題)是 ... (wèntí shì ... )
there's no question of a compromise/them agreeing妥协(協)/他们(們)同意是不可能的 (tuǒxié/tāmen tóngyì shì bù kěnéng de)
to be out of the question不可能的 (bù kěnéng de)
the person/night in question谈(談)及的人/夜晚 (tánjí de rén/yèwǎn)
to question whether ... 询(詢)问(問)是否 ... (xúnwèn shìfǒu ... )
All related terms of 'question'
question mark
问(問)号(號) wènhào [ 个(個) gè ]
without question
( unquestioningly ) 毫无(無)异(異)议(議) háo wú yìyì
an open question
容许(許)争(爭)论(論)的问(問)题(題) róngxǔ zhēnglùn de wèntí
the question is ...
问(問)题(題)是 ... wèntí shì ...
to be in question
出问(問)题(題)的 chū wèntí de
to question whether ...
询(詢)问(問)是否 ... xúnwèn shìfǒu ...
to be beyond question
不成问(問)题(題)的 bù chéng wèntí de
to be open to question
令人怀(懷)疑的 lìng rén huáiyí de
in reply to your question ...
就你的问(問)题(題)而言 ... jiù nǐ de wèntí ér yán ...
the person/night in question
谈(談)及的人/夜晚 tánjí de rén/yèwǎn
to be out of the question
不可能的 bù kěnéng de
the question was directed at me
问(問)题(題)是直接针(針)对(對)我的 wèntí shì zhíjiē zhēnduì wǒ de