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( kwɪə ʳ )
Word forms: comparative queerer , superlative queerest , plural queers 1. adjective [ ADJECTIVE noun] Queer means relating to people whose sexual orientation or gender identity is not heterosexual.
...contemporary queer culture.
...queer activism.
2. countable noun A queer is someone whose sexual orientation or gender identity is not heterosexual. Thisuse can sometimes cause offence.
[ informal] Queer is also an adjective.
...queer men.
3. adjective Something that is queer is strange.
[ old-fashioned] If you ask me, there's something a bit queer going on.
Synonyms: strange, odd, funny, unusual More Synonyms of queer
More Synonyms of queer
( kwɪə )
adjective 1. old-fashioned differing from the normal or usual in a way regarded as odd or strange
2. old-fashioned suspicious, dubious, or shady
3. old-fashioned faint, giddy, or queasy
4. informal , sometimes offensive homosexual
5. informal , sometimes offensive having a gender or sexual identity that does not correspond to traditional norms
6. informal odd or unbalanced mentally; eccentric or slightly mad
7. slang worthless or counterfeit
noun 8. informal , sometimes offensive a homosexual person, usually male
9. informal , sometimes offensive a person whose gender or sexual identity does not correspond to traditional norms
verb ( transitive) informal 10. to spoil or thwart (esp in the phrase queer someone's pitch )
11. to put in a difficult or dangerous position
▶ USAGE Although the term queer meaning homosexual is still considered highly offensive when used by non-homosexuals,it is often used by homosexuals themselves as a positive term. Queer has also come to refer to any person who does not conform with traditional notionsof sexuality and gender, and it is used positively by many people who identify themselvesthis way Derived forms
queerish ( ˈqueerish) adjective
queerly ( ˈqueerly) adverb
queerness ( ˈqueerness) noun
Word origin
C16: perhaps from German
quer oblique, ultimately from Old High German
twērh queer in American English ( kwɪər ) ( adjective -er , -est )
adjective 1. strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different; singular
a queer notion of justice
2. of a questionable nature or character; suspicious; shady
Something queer about the language of the prospectus kept investors away
3. not feeling physically right or well; giddy, faint, or qualmish
to feel queer
4. mentally unbalanced or deranged
5. derogatory, offensive slang 6. slang bad, worthless, or counterfeit
transitive verb 8. to put (a person) in a hopeless or disadvantageous situation as to success, favor, etc
10. See queer the pitch
noun 11. derogatory, offensive slang a homosexual, esp. a male homosexual
12. slang counterfeit money
Derived forms
queerly adverb
Word origin
[ 1500–10; perh. ‹ G
quer oblique, cross, adverse
] More idioms containing queer
queer someone's pitch
All related terms of 'queer' Chinese translation of 'queer' adj (o.f. , = odd ) [feeling, story, place] 奇怪的 (qíguài de) (inf! , = homosexual ) 同性恋(戀)的 (tóngxìngliàn de) n (c) (inf! , = homosexual ) 同性恋(戀)者 (tóngxìngliànzhě) queen Queen Mother Queen Victoria queer quell quench query
If you ask me, there's something queer going on.
left-field (informal)
, regular
, ordinary
, common
, natural
, straight
, conventional
, orthodox
, rational
, customary
, believable
, unexceptional
, unoriginal
faint, giddy, or queasy
Wine before beer and you'll feel queer.
He was trying to queer my pitch.
bodge (informal)
crool or cruel (Australian , slang)
, aid
, boost
, enhance
Additional synonyms Definition
differing from the usual or typical
a child with an abnormal fear of strangers
unusual ,
different ,
odd ,
strange ,
surprising ,
out there (slang) ,
extraordinary ,
remarkable ,
bizarre ,
unexpected ,
curious ,
weird ,
exceptional ,
peculiar ,
eccentric ,
unfamiliar ,
queer ,
irregular ,
phenomenal ,
uncommon ,
erratic ,
monstrous ,
singular ,
unnatural ,
deviant (old-fashioned) ,
unconventional ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
oddball (informal) ,
out of the ordinary ,
left-field (informal) ,
anomalous ,
atypical ,
aberrant ,
untypical ,
wacko (slang , old-fashioned) ,
outré ,
daggy (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
different from the normal or usual order or type
For years his anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists.
unusual ,
odd ,
rare ,
bizarre ,
exceptional ,
peculiar ,
eccentric ,
abnormal ,
irregular ,
inconsistent ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
incongruous ,
deviating ,
oddball (informal) ,
out there (slang) ,
atypical ,
aberrant ,
outré Definition
not typical
The economy of the province was atypical because it was so small.
unusual ,
exceptional ,
uncommon ,
singular ,
deviant (old-fashioned) ,
unconventional ,
unique ,
unorthodox ,
uncharacteristic ,
out of the ordinary ,
unrepresentative ,
out of keeping ,
uncustomary ,
nonconforming ,
queasy queen queenly queer quell quench querulous
Additional synonyms Definition
to spoil through clumsiness or ineptitude
It's a silly idea, and he has botched it.
spoil ,
mar ,
bungle ,
fumble ,
screw up (informal) ,
mess up ,
cock up (British , slang) ,
balls up (taboo , slang) ,
fuck up (offensive , taboo , slang) ,
mismanage ,
muff ,
make a nonsense of (informal) ,
bodge (informal) ,
make a pig's ear of (informal) ,
flub (US , slang) ,
crool or cruel (Australian , slang)
unusual or peculiar
A lot of curious things have happened here in the past few weeks.
strange ,
unusual ,
bizarre ,
odd ,
novel ,
wonderful ,
rare ,
unique ,
extraordinary ,
puzzling ,
unexpected ,
exotic ,
mysterious ,
marvellous ,
peculiar ,
queer (informal) ,
rum (British , slang) ,
singular ,
unconventional ,
quaint ,
unorthodox Definition
feeling giddy
She felt slightly dizzy.
giddy ,
faint ,
light-headed ,
swimming ,
reeling ,
staggering ,
shaky ,
wobbly ,
off balance ,
unsteady ,
vertiginous ,
woozy (informal) ,
weak at the knees
They all seemed of very doubtful character.
questionable ,
suspect ,
suspicious ,
crooked (informal) ,
dubious ,
dodgy (British , Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
slippery ,
shady (informal) ,
unscrupulous ,
fishy (informal) ,
shifty ,
disreputable ,
untrustworthy ,
shonky (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
strange and frightening
An eerie silence settled over the forest.
uncanny ,
strange ,
frightening ,
ghostly ,
weird ,
mysterious ,
scary (informal) ,
sinister ,
uneasy ,
fearful ,
awesome ,
unearthly ,
supernatural ,
unnatural ,
spooky (informal) ,
creepy (informal) ,
spectral ,
eldritch (poetic) ,
preternatural Definition
to put in danger
This debate could endanger the peace talks.
put at risk ,
risk ,
threaten ,
compromise ,
hazard ,
jeopardize ,
imperil ,
put in danger ,
expose to danger
irregular or unpredictable
the erratic nature of our recent weather
unpredictable ,
variable ,
unstable ,
irregular ,
shifting ,
eccentric ,
abnormal ,
inconsistent ,
uneven ,
unreliable ,
wayward ,
capricious ,
desultory ,
changeable ,
aberrant ,
fitful ,
inconstant Definition
very unusual or surprising
What an extraordinary thing to happen!
unusual ,
surprising ,
odd ,
strange ,
unique ,
remarkable ,
bizarre ,
curious ,
weird ,
unprecedented ,
peculiar ,
unfamiliar ,
uncommon ,
unheard-of ,
unwonted Definition
suspicious or questionable
There seems to be something fishy going on.
suspicious ,
odd ,
suspect ,
unlikely ,
funny (informal) ,
doubtful ,
dubious ,
dodgy (British , Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
queer ,
rum (British , slang) ,
questionable ,
improbable ,
implausible ,
cock-and-bull (informal) ,
shonky (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
peculiar or odd
There's something funny about that pair.
peculiar ,
odd ,
strange ,
unusual ,
remarkable ,
bizarre ,
puzzling ,
curious ,
weird ,
mysterious ,
suspicious ,
dubious ,
queer ,
rum (British , slang) ,
quirky ,
Additional synonyms Definition
feeling weak and unsteady on one's feet, as if about to faint
He felt giddy and light-headed.
dizzy ,
reeling ,
faint ,
unsteady ,
light-headed ,
to injure physically, morally, or mentally
a warning that the product may harm the environment
damage ,
hurt ,
ruin ,
mar ,
spoil ,
impair ,
blemish Definition
to damage or weaken in strength or quality
The bright sunshine was impairing my vision.
worsen ,
reduce ,
damage ,
injure ,
harm ,
mar ,
undermine ,
weaken ,
spoil ,
diminish ,
decrease ,
blunt ,
deteriorate ,
lessen ,
hinder ,
debilitate ,
vitiate ,
enfeeble ,
enervate Definition
to put in danger
You imperilled the lives of other road users with your driving.
endanger ,
risk ,
hazard ,
jeopardize Definition
to damage
Too much stress can injure your health.
damage ,
harm ,
ruin ,
wreck ,
weaken ,
spoil ,
impair ,
crool or cruel (Australian , slang)
not conforming to accepted practice or routine
The minister was accused of irregular business practices.
inappropriate ,
unconventional ,
improper ,
unethical ,
odd ,
unusual ,
extraordinary ,
disorderly ,
exceptional ,
peculiar ,
unofficial ,
abnormal ,
queer ,
rum (British , slang) ,
back-door ,
unsuitable ,
unorthodox ,
out-of-order ,
unprofessional ,
anomalous Definition
to put (something) at risk
The talks may still be jeopardized by disputes.
endanger ,
threaten ,
put at risk ,
put in jeopardy ,
risk ,
expose ,
gamble ,
hazard ,
menace ,
imperil ,
put on the line
Your blood pressure will drop and you may feel light-headed.
faint ,
dizzy ,
hazy ,
giddy ,
delirious ,
unsteady ,
vertiginous ,
woozy (informal)
to spoil or be the one bad feature of
The scar didn't mar his self-confidence, he rather liked it.
ruin ,
injure ,
spoil ,
scar ,
flaw ,
impair ,
mutilate ,
detract from ,
maim ,
deform ,
blemish ,
mangle ,
disfigure ,
deface Definition
of unknown cause or nature
He died in mysterious circumstances.
strange ,
unknown ,
puzzling ,
curious ,
secret ,
hidden ,
weird ,
concealed ,
obscure ,
baffling ,
veiled ,
mystical ,
perplexing ,
uncanny ,
incomprehensible ,
mystifying ,
impenetrable ,
arcane ,
inexplicable ,
cryptic ,
insoluble ,
unfathomable ,
abstruse ,
recondite ,
Additional synonyms Definition
unusual or peculiar
Something odd began to happen.
unusual ,
different ,
strange ,
rare ,
funny (slang) ,
extraordinary ,
remarkable ,
bizarre ,
fantastic ,
curious ,
weird ,
exceptional ,
peculiar ,
abnormal ,
queer ,
irregular ,
uncommon ,
singular ,
uncanny ,
outlandish ,
out of the ordinary ,
freakish ,
atypical ,
freaky (slang)
extremely unconventional
This idea is not as outlandish as it seems.
strange ,
odd ,
extraordinary ,
wonderful ,
funny ,
out there (slang) ,
bizarre ,
fantastic ,
astonishing ,
eye-popping (informal) ,
curious ,
weird ,
foreign ,
alien ,
exotic ,
exceptional ,
peculiar ,
eccentric ,
abnormal ,
out-of-the-way ,
queer (archaic) ,
irregular ,
singular ,
grotesque ,
far-out (slang , old-fashioned) ,
unheard-of ,
preposterous ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
left-field (informal) ,
freakish ,
barbarous ,
outré ,
daggy (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
eccentric and rather shocking
outré outfits designed by art students
eccentric ,
odd ,
strange ,
out there (slang) ,
bizarre ,
fantastic ,
weird ,
way-out (informal) ,
peculiar ,
queer (informal) ,
extravagant ,
rum (British , slang) ,
quirky ,
singular ,
grotesque ,
unconventional ,
idiosyncratic ,
kinky (informal) ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
outlandish ,
whimsical ,
left-field (informal) ,
freakish ,
freaky (slang) ,
wacko (slang) ,
daggy (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
strange or odd
She has a very peculiar sense of humour.
odd ,
strange ,
unusual ,
bizarre ,
funny ,
out-there (slang) ,
extraordinary ,
curious ,
weird ,
exceptional ,
eccentric ,
abnormal ,
out-of-the-way ,
queer (archaic) ,
uncommon ,
singular ,
unconventional ,
far-out (slang) ,
quaint ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
outlandish ,
offbeat ,
freakish ,
wacky (informal) ,
wacko (slang , old-fashioned) ,
outré ,
daggy (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
having the feeling that one is about to vomit
He was prone to sickness and already felt queasy.
sick ,
ill ,
nauseous ,
squeamish ,
upset ,
uncomfortable ,
crook (Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
queer ,
unwell ,
giddy ,
nauseated ,
groggy (informal) ,
off colour ,
bilious ,
indisposed ,
green about the gills (informal) ,
of disputable value or authority
The film is a comedy in highly questionable taste.
dubious ,
suspect ,
doubtful ,
controversial ,
uncertain ,
suspicious ,
dodgy (British , Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
unreliable ,
shady (informal) ,
debatable ,
unproven ,
fishy (informal) ,
moot ,
arguable ,
iffy (informal) ,
equivocal ,
problematical ,
disputable ,
controvertible ,
dubitable ,
shonky (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
striking or extraordinary
He was a remarkable man.
extraordinary ,
striking ,
outstanding ,
famous ,
odd ,
strange ,
wonderful ,
signal ,
rare ,
unusual ,
impressive ,
surprising ,
distinguished ,
prominent ,
notable ,
phenomenal ,
uncommon ,
conspicuous ,
singular ,
miraculous ,
noteworthy ,
pre-eminent Definition
to destroy or spoil completely
The original decor was all ruined during renovation.
spoil ,
damage ,
mar ,
mess up ,
blow (slang) ,
injure ,
undo ,
screw up (informal) ,
botch ,
mangle ,
cock up (British , slang) ,
disfigure ,
fuck up (offensive , taboo , slang) ,
make a mess of ,
bodge (informal) ,
crool or cruel (Australian , slang)
strange or unusual
It was a rum sort of joke.
strange ,
odd ,
suspect ,
funny ,
unusual ,
curious ,
weird ,
suspicious ,
peculiar ,
dodgy (British , Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
queer (archaic) ,
singular (old-fashioned) ,
shonky (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
of doubtful honesty or legality
Be wary of people who try to talk you into shady deals.
crooked (informal) ,
dodgy (British , Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
unethical ,
suspect ,
suspicious ,
dubious ,
slippery ,
questionable ,
unscrupulous ,
fishy (informal) ,
shifty ,
disreputable ,
untrustworthy ,
shonky (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
Additional synonyms Definition
He was without doubt a singular character.
unusual ,
odd ,
strange ,
extraordinary ,
puzzling ,
curious ,
peculiar ,
eccentric ,
out-of-the-way ,
queer (archaic) ,
oddball (informal) ,
atypical ,
wacko (slang , old-fashioned) ,
outré ,
out there (slang) ,
daggy (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
causing one to suspect something is wrong
two suspicious-looking characters
suspect ,
dubious ,
questionable ,
funny ,
doubtful ,
dodgy (British , Australian , New Zealand , informal) ,
queer (archaic) ,
irregular ,
shady (informal) ,
fishy (informal) ,
of doubtful honesty ,
open to doubt or misconstruction ,
shonky (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
to prevent or foil
They were doing all they could to thwart the opposition.
frustrate ,
stop ,
foil ,
check ,
defeat ,
prevent ,
oppose ,
snooker ,
baffle ,
hinder ,
obstruct ,
impede ,
balk ,
outwit ,
stymie ,
cook someone's goose (informal) ,
put a spoke in someone's wheel (informal)
weird or mysterious
I had this uncanny feeling that Alice was warning me.
weird ,
strange ,
mysterious ,
queer (archaic) ,
unearthly ,
eerie ,
supernatural ,
unnatural ,
spooky (informal) ,
creepy (informal) ,
eldritch (poetic) ,
preternatural Definition
not happening or encountered often
Certain types of flu are uncommon.
rare ,
unusual ,
odd ,
novel ,
strange ,
bizarre ,
curious ,
peculiar ,
unfamiliar ,
scarce ,
queer (archaic) ,
singular ,
few and far between ,
out of the ordinary ,
infrequent ,
thin on the ground
not conforming to accepted rules or standards
He was known for his unconventional behaviour.
unusual ,
unorthodox ,
odd ,
eccentric ,
different ,
individual ,
original ,
out there (slang) ,
bizarre ,
way-out (informal) ,
informal ,
irregular ,
bohemian ,
far-out (slang) ,
idiosyncratic ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
oddball (informal) ,
individualistic ,
out of the ordinary ,
offbeat ,
left-field (informal) ,
freakish ,
atypical ,
nonconformist ,
wacky (informal) ,
wacko (slang , old-fashioned) ,
outré ,
boho ,
uncustomary ,
daggy (Australian , New Zealand , informal)
strange and slightly frightening because it is not usual
The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.
abnormal ,
odd ,
strange ,
unusual ,
extraordinary ,
bizarre ,
perverted ,
queer ,
irregular ,
perverse ,
supernatural ,
uncanny ,
outlandish ,
unaccountable ,
anomalous ,
freakish ,
aberrant Definition
(of a person) not conventional in beliefs, behaviour, etc.
His methods were unorthodox, and his lifestyle eccentric.
unconventional ,
unusual ,
irregular ,
abnormal ,
off-the-wall (slang) ,
out there (slang) ,
heretical ,
heterodox ,
unwonted ,
uncommon or extraordinary
He was an unusual man with great business talents.
extraordinary ,
unique ,
remarkable ,
exceptional ,
notable ,
phenomenal ,
uncommon ,
singular ,
unconventional ,
out of the ordinary ,
atypical Definition
suggestive of the supernatural
I had such a weird dream last night.
strange ,
odd ,
unusual ,
bizarre ,
ghostly ,
mysterious ,
queer (archaic) ,
unearthly ,
eerie ,
grotesque ,
supernatural ,
unnatural ,
far-out (slang) ,
uncanny ,
spooky (informal) ,
creepy (informal) ,
eldritch (poetic)
See level