Quartz is a mineral in the form of a hard, shiny crystal. It is used in making electronic equipment and very accurate watches and clocks.
...a quartz crystal.
quartz in British English
a colourless mineral often tinted by impurities, found in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. It is used in the manufacture of glass, abrasives, and cement, and also as a gemstone; the violet-purple variety is amethyst, the brown variety is cairngorm, the yellow variety is citrine, and the pink variety is rose quartz. Composition: silicon dioxide. Formula: SiO2. Crystal structure: hexagonal
2. short for quartz glass
Word origin
C18: from German Quarz, of Slavic origin
quartz in American English
any of various crystallized forms of silica that are transparent, translucent, or colored, used in many ways, esp. as a gem or in making glass, lenses, or quartz crystals
Their hearing is so acute that they can hear the pulsing sound of a quartz crystal in a digital clock.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
But quartz crystals are unique.
Campbell, Eileen & Brennan, J. H. Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit (1994)
Today a cheap quartz watch will keep better time than anything with cogs and springs, but for many of us that is not the point.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Where's that piece of rose quartz that's supposed to help me nod off?
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
One involves fiddling about with the ink pot, the other winding it up and neither works quite as well as a Biro or a quartz watch.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Word lists with
gem, mineral
In other languages
British English: quartz NOUN
Quartz is a mineral in the form of a hard, shiny crystal used in making electronic equipment and very accurate watches and clocks.
...a quartz crystal.
American English: quartz
Brazilian Portuguese: quartzo
Chinese: 石英
European Spanish: cuarzo
French: quartz
German: Quarz
Italian: quarzo
Japanese: 石英
Korean: 석영
European Portuguese: quartzo
Latin American Spanish: cuarzo
All related terms of 'quartz'
quartz lamp
a high-intensity mercury-vapor lamp with a housing of fused quartz that remains cooler and more transparent than glass
rose quartz
a rose-pink often translucent variety of quartz that is used for ornaments
fused quartz
a clear , strong vitreous material obtained when silica is fused at high temperature , used in devices, as crucibles or molds, subjected to high or rapidly changing temperatures
quartz clock
a clock or watch that is operated by the vibrations of a quartz crystal controlled by a microcircuit
quartz glass
a colourless glass composed of almost pure silica , resistant to very high temperatures and transparent to near-ultraviolet radiation
quartz watch
a watch that is operated by the vibrations of a quartz crystal controlled by a microcircuit
smoky quartz
→ cairngorm
quartz crystal
a thin plate or rod cut in certain directions from a piece of piezoelectric quartz and accurately ground so that it vibrates at a particular frequency
quartz movement
an extremely accurate electronic movement utilizing the natural frequency of vibrations of a quartz crystal to regulate the operation of the timepiece ( quartz clock or quartz watch )
rainbow quartz
the coloured muscular diaphragm that surrounds and controls the size of the pupil
quartz-iodine lamp
a type of tungsten-halogen lamp containing small amounts of iodine and having a quartz envelope , operating at high temperature and producing an intense light for use in car headlamps, etc
nitreous silica
a colourless glass composed of almost pure silica , resistant to very high temperatures and transparent to near-ultraviolet radiation