an island off NW Europe: separated from Great Britain by the North Channel, the Irish Sea, and St George's Channel; contains large areas of peat bog, with mountains that rise over 900 m (3000 ft) in the southwest and several large lakes. It was conquered by England in the 16th and early 17th centuries and ruled as a dependency until 1801, when it was united with Great Britain until its division in 1921 into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland
Latin name: Hibernia
2. Republic of Ireland
Gaelic name: Eire. See also Northern Ireland
Ireland in British English2
John (Nicholson). 1879–1962, English composer, esp of songs
Ireland in American English
island of the British Isles, west of Great Britain: 32,595 sq mi (84,421 sq km)
republic comprising the S provinces of this island & three counties of Ulster province: established as a republic in 1922, it was a member of the Commonwealth until 1949: 27,137 sq mi (70,285 sq km); pop. 3,560,000; cap. Dublin
see also Northern Ireland: in full Republic of Ireland
Word origin
OE Īrland < Īra-land: see Irish
Synonyms of 'Ireland'
More Synonyms of Ireland
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inhabitant, place
In other languages
British English: Ireland /ˈaɪələnd/ NOUN
Ireland is an island off north-west Europe, to the west of Great Britain.
American English: Ireland
Arabic: إيرْلَنْدَا
Brazilian Portuguese: Irlanda
Chinese: 爱尔兰
Croatian: Irska
Czech: Irsko
Danish: Irland
Dutch: Ierland
European Spanish: Irlanda
Finnish: Irlanti
French: Irlande
German: Irland
Greek: Ιρλανδία
Italian: Irlanda
Japanese: アイルランド
Korean: 아일랜드
Norwegian: Irland
Polish: Irlandia
European Portuguese: Irlanda
Romanian: Irlanda
Russian: Ирландия
Latin American Spanish: Irlanda
Swedish: Irland
Thai: ประเทศไอร์แลนด์
Turkish: İrlanda
Ukrainian: Ірландія
Vietnamese: nước Ireland
All related terms of 'Ireland'
New Ireland
an island in the S Pacific , in the Bismarck Archipelago , separated from New Britain by St George's Channel : part of Papua New Guinea . Chief town and port : Kavieng. Pop ( province ): 118 148 (2000). Area (including adjacent islands): 9850 sq km (3800 sq miles)
Young Ireland
a movement or party of Irish patriots in the 1840s who split with Daniel O'Connell because they favoured a more violent policy than that which he promoted
Northern Ireland
that part of the United Kingdom occupying the NE part of Ireland: separated from the rest of Ireland, which became independent in law in 1920; remained part of the United Kingdom, with a separate Parliament ( Stormont ), inaugurated in 1921, and limited self-government ; scene of severe conflict between Catholics and Protestants , including terrorist bombing from 1969; direct administration from Westminster from 1972; assembly and powersharing executive established in 1998–99 following the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, suspended in 2002, and reinstated 2007. Capital: Belfast . Pop: 1 810 863 (2011 est). Area: 14 121 sq km (5452 sq miles)
Southern Ireland
an island off NW Europe: separated from Great Britain by the North Channel , the Irish Sea, and St George's Channel; contains large areas of peat bog , with mountains that rise over 900 m (3000 ft) in the southwest and several large lakes . It was conquered by England in the 16th and early 17th centuries and ruled as a dependency until 1801, when it was united with Great Britain until its division in 1921 into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland
bells of Ireland
an annual garden plant, Moluccella laevis , whose flowers have a green cup-shaped calyx : family Lamiaceae ( labiates )
Republic of Ireland
a republic in NW Europe occupying most of Ireland : established as the Irish Free State (a British dominion ) in 1921 and declared a republic in 1949; joined the European Community (now the European Union ) in 1973. Official languages: Irish ( Gaelic ) and English. Religion : Roman Catholic majority . Currency : euro . Capital: Dublin . Pop: 4 761 657 (2017 est). Area: 70 285 sq km (27 137 sq miles)
Northern Ireland Assembly
→ the Northern Ireland Assembly
the Northern Ireland Assembly
the devolved legislature of Northern Ireland, located at Stormont in Belfast
Lord Chief Justice for Northern Ireland
the head of the judiciary in Northern Ireland
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
→ the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
a kingdom of NW Europe, consisting chiefly of the island of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland : became the world's leading colonial power in the 18th century; the first country to undergo the Industrial Revolution . It became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1921, after the rest of Ireland became autonomous as the Irish Free State. Primarily it is a trading nation , the chief export is services and London is the world's largest financial centre; joined the Common Market (now the European Union ) in January 1973; referendum (2016) decided narrowly in favour of the UK leaving the European Union, which it did in 2020. Official language: English; Gaelic , Welsh , and other minority languages. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : pound sterling . Capital: London. Pop: 66 181 585 (2017 est). Area: 244 110 sq km (94 251 sq miles)
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is the official name for the country consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Chinese translation of 'Ireland'
爱(愛)尔(爾)兰(蘭) (Ài'ěrlán)
the Republic of Ireland爱(愛)尔(爾)兰(蘭)共和国(國) (Ài'ěrlán Gònghéguó)