An IRA is a type of savings account where the money you put in and the interest you earn is not taxable until you retire. IRA is an abbreviation for 'Individual Retirement Account.'
...periodic distributions from an IRA on or after attainment of age 59.
IRA in British English
abbreviation for
(in the US) individual retirement account
Irish Republican Army
IRA in American English1
(ˌaɪˌɑrˈeɪ; ˈaɪrə)
nounWord forms: pluralIRA's US
a personal retirement plan whereby a limited amount of annual earned income may be saved or invested in specially designated accounts, with taxes on the earnings deferred until retirement: for some individuals, income placed in such accounts is deductible from taxable income
Word origin
I(ndividual) R(etirement) A(ccount)
IRA in American English2
Irish Republican Army
Ira in American English
a masculine name
Word origin
Heb ʼīrā, lit., watchful
IRA in Finance
(aɪ ɑr eɪ) or Individual Retirement Account
(Finance: Investment, Retirement)
An IRA is a retirement account that allows a person to set aside a certain amount of money each year, with the tax on the earnings deferred untilwithdrawals begin.
An IRA is an account which allows an investor to defer taxes while investing into the account.
An IRA can be used for retirement planning.
An IRA is a retirement account that allows a person to set aside a certain amount of moneyeach year, with the tax on the earnings deferred until withdrawals begin.
Roth IRA
Examples of 'IRA' in a sentence
It was judged to be superior to anything employed by the IRA in the past.