electromagnetic or corpuscular radiation that is able to cause ionization
ionizing radiation in American English
any radiation, as a stream of alpha particles or x-rays, that produces ionization as it passes through a medium
Word origin
[1900–05]This word is first recorded in the period 1900–05. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Young Turk, burnout, clone, geopolitics, hormone
Examples of 'ionizing radiation' in a sentence
ionizing radiation
He'd seen something similar only once before -- in experimental rats he'd exposed to ionizing radiation.
Stewart, Michael GRACE
Ionizing radiation early in our planet’s history could have produced rain spiked with hydrogen peroxide, which would have fallen on the land and sea.
2019, 'Hydrogen Peroxide, Bringer of Life?', Smithsonianhttps://www.airspacemag.com/daily-planet/hydrogen-peroxide-bringer-life-180971497/