a blue-flowered plant, Cichorium intybus, cultivated for its leaves, which are used in salads, and for its roots: family Asteraceae (composites)
the root of this plant, roasted, dried, and used as a coffee substitute
Compare endive
Word origin
C15: from Old French chicorée, from Latin cichorium, from Greek kikhōrion
Examples of 'witloof' in a sentence
The area of distribution and data of origin of witloof chicory are presented in the article.
Y. P. Shevchenko, V. A. Kharchenko, I. T. Ushakova, E. L. Kurbakov 2016, 'SALAD CHICORY – WITLOOF', Ovoŝi Rossiihttps://www.vegetables.su/jour/article/view/260. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)