Don't misunderstand me when I say I love you... I love you for qualities I can't put a name to.
Haines, Pamela THE GOLDEN LION
She was firmly encased in the shimmering spectacular gown which was assuming all the endearing qualities of a straitjacket.
The qualities in Mother which made me hate her inspired Nicola to love her.
Conybeare, Stephanie A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
All related terms of 'qualities'
The quality of something is how good or bad it is.
primary qualities
(in empiricist philosophy ) those properties of objects that are directly known by experience , such as size, shape, and number
leadership qualities
Someone's qualities are the good characteristics that they have which are part of their nature.
secondary qualities
(in empiricist philosophy ) those properties of objects that are explained in terms of the primary properties of their parts, such as heat in terms of the motion of molecules
qualities are evident
You can describe a particular characteristic of a person or thing as a quality .
air quality
the composition of the air in terms of how much pollution it contains
letter quality
of or producing printed characters similar in quality and clarity to typewritten characters
near letter quality
a quality of print that is not quite letter quality, but is better than draft quality