释义 |
View usage for: (ʌnsɪvɪlaɪzd) regional note: in BRIT, also use uncivilisedadjectiveIf you describe someone's behaviour as uncivilized, you find it unacceptable, for example because it is very cruel or very rude. [disapproval] The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour. I think sport involving animals is barbaric and uncivilized. More Synonyms of uncivilized uncivilized in British English or uncivilised (ʌnˈsɪvɪˌlaɪzd) adjective1. (of a tribe or people) not yet civilized, esp preliterate 2. lacking culture or sophistication Derived forms uncivilizedly or uncivilisedly (ʌnˈsɪvɪˌlaɪzɪdlɪ) adverb uncivilizedness (unˈciviˌlizedness) or uncivilisedness (unˈciviˌlisedness) noun uncivilized in American English (ʌnˈsɪvəˌlaɪzd) adjective1. not civilized; barbarous; unenlightened Examples of 'uncivilized' in a sentenceuncivilized It was as if they couldn't see him, couldn't perceive his curiosity, his loneliness, and his uncivilized spirit.With a feather stuck in his hair and his deep blue eyes, Danlo did in fact look uncivilized and not a little wild. In other languagesuncivilized British English: uncivilized / ʌnˈsɪvɪˌlaɪzd/ ADJECTIVE If you describe someone's behaviour as uncivilized, you find it unacceptable, for example because it is very cruel or very rude. The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilized behaviour. - American English: uncivilized
- Arabic: غَيْرُ مُتَحَضِّر
- Brazilian Portuguese: não civilizado
- Chinese: 不文明的
- Croatian: neciviliziran
- Czech: necivilizovaný
- Danish: uciviliseret
- Dutch: onbeschaafd
- European Spanish: incivilizado
- Finnish: sivistymätön
- French: barbare
- German: unzivilisiert
- Greek: απολίτιστος
- Italian: incivile
- Japanese: 未開の
- Korean: 야만적인
- Norwegian: usivilisert
- Polish: niecywilizowany
- European Portuguese: não civilizado
- Romanian: necivilizat
- Russian: нецивилизованный
- Latin American Spanish: incivilizado
- Swedish: ociviliserad
- Thai: ซึ่งไร้อารยธรรม
- Turkish: ilkel
- Ukrainian: нецивілізований
- Vietnamese: chưa được khai hóa
Chinese translation of 'uncivilized'uncivilized (ʌnˈsɪvɪlaɪzd) adj - (lit) [country, people]
未开(開)化的 (wèi kāihuà de) - (fig) [person, behaviour, hour]
无(無)教养(養)的 (wú jiàoyǎng de)
Definition (of a tribe or people) not yet civilized countries which did not wish to appear backward or uncivilized Definition lacking culture or sophistication mutual accusations of uncivilized behaviour Synonyms unsophisticated beyond the pale uncultivated uncultured unmannered Additional synonymsDefinition uncivilized or brutal rude and barbarian people Synonyms uncivilized, wild, rough, savage, crude, primitive, vulgar, illiterate, barbaric, philistine, uneducated, unsophisticated, barbarous, boorish, uncouth, uncultivated, lowbrow, uncultured, unmannered Definition primitive or brutal a prehistoric and barbaric world Synonyms uncivilized, wild, savage, primitive, rude, barbarian, barbarousDefinition uncivilized He thought the poetry of Whitman barbarous. Synonyms uncivilized, wild, rough, gross, savage, primitive, rude, coarse, vulgar, barbarian, philistine, uneducated, brutish, unsophisticated, uncouth, uncultivated, unpolished, uncultured, unmannered Nearby words ofuncivilized - unchaste
- unchecked
- uncivil
- uncivilized
- unclad
- uncle
- unclean
Additional synonymsthe boorish behaviour of some players Synonyms loutish, gross, crude, rude, hick (informal, US, Canadian), coarse, vulgar, rustic, barbaric, churlish, uneducated, bearish, uncouth, unrefined, uncivilized, clownish, oafish, lubberlyDefinition coarse The man was brutish and coarse. Synonyms coarse, stupid, gross, cruel, savage, crude, vulgar, barbarian, crass, boorish, uncouth, loutish, subhuman, swinish Definition surly and rude It seemed churlish to refuse an offer meant so kindly. Synonyms rude, harsh, crabbed, vulgar, sullen, surly, morose, brusque, ill-tempered, boorish, uncouth, impolite, loutish, oafish, uncivil, unmannerlyDefinition unrefined or indecent They don't know how to behave, and are coarse and insulting. Synonyms loutish, rough, brutish, boorish, uncivilDefinition very coarse or vulgar He is a gross and boorish individual. Synonyms coarse, crass, tasteless, unsophisticated, ignorant, insensitive, callous, boorish, unfeeling, unrefined, uncultured, undiscriminating, imperceptiveDefinition unable to read and write A large percentage of the population is illiterate. Synonyms uneducated, ignorant, unlettered, unable to read and write, analphabetic Definition boorishly uncultured the country's philistine, consumerist mentality Synonyms uncultured, ignorant, crass, tasteless, bourgeois, uneducated, boorish, unrefined, uncultivated, anti-intellectual, lowbrow, inartistic Definition (of peoples) uncivilized or primitive a savage people Synonyms primitive, undeveloped, uncultivated, uncivilized, in a state of nature, nonliterate Definition not educated well or at all He may have been an uneducated man, but he was not stupid. Synonyms ignorant, illiterate, unread, unschooled, unlettered, untaught Definition not elegant or refined an uncouth and unpolished yokel Synonyms unrefined, unsophisticated, uncouth, vulgar, uncultivated, uncivilized, uncultured Additional synonymsDefinition showing lack of good taste, decency, or refinement He could be really vulgar, but he never swore in front of his parents. Synonyms uncouth, boorish, unrefined, impolite, ill-bred, unmannerlyDefinition very enthusiastic about the wild tribes which still roam the northern plains with their horse herds Synonyms uncivilized, fierce, savage, primitive, rude, ferocious, barbaric, brutish, barbarous |