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View usage for: (rɪlentləs) 1. adjectiveSomething bad that is relentless never stops or never becomes less intense. The pressure now was relentless. Synonyms: unremitting, sustained, punishing, persistent More Synonyms of relentless relentlessly adverb The sun is beating down relentlessly. 2. adjectiveSomeone who is relentless is determined to do something and refuses to give up, even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel. Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable. He was the most relentless enemy I have ever known. Synonyms: merciless, hard, fierce, harsh More Synonyms of relentless relentlessly adverb She always questioned me relentlessly. relentless in British English (rɪˈlɛntlɪs) adjective1. (of an enemy, hostile attitude, etc) implacable; inflexible; inexorable 2. (of pace or intensity) sustained; unremitting Derived forms relentlessly (reˈlentlessly) adverb relentlessness (reˈlentlessness) noun relentless in American English (rɪˈlɛntlɪs) adjective1. not relenting; harsh; pitiless 2. persistent; unremitting Derived forms relentlessly (reˈlentlessly) adverb relentlessness (reˈlentlessness) noun Examples of 'relentless' in a sentencerelentless Yours, Anna Abraham In early February came a week of relentless rain.They were just syllables, thrown against the wall of his skull by the relentless whine.The year of relentless heat had been nearly ruinous for Thorn's fly-tying business. In other languagesrelentless British English: relentless ADJECTIVE Something bad that is relentless never stops or never becomes less intense. The pressure now was relentless. - American English: relentless
- Brazilian Portuguese: implacável
- Chinese: 毫不留情的
- European Spanish: implacable
- French: implacable
- German: erbarmungslos
- Italian: implacabile
- Japanese: 情け容赦なく続く
- Korean: 무자비한
- European Portuguese: implacável
- Latin American Spanish: implacable
Chinese translation of 'relentless' adj - [heat, noise, pressure]
不断(斷)的 (bùduàn de) - [tyrant, enemy]
残(殘)忍的 (cánrěn de)
Definition (of a person) determined and pitiless He was the most relentless enemy I have ever known. Synonyms fierce unstoppable unforgiving undeviating Opposites yielding , forgiving , compassionate , submissive , merciful Definition never stopping or reducing in severity The pressure now was relentless. Synonyms punishing unstoppable unabated nonstop unrelieved unfaltering Additional synonymsDefinition deliberately causing pain without pity They should spend a long time in jail to reflect on their cruel acts.the persecution of prisoners by cruel captors Synonyms brutal, ruthless, callous, sadistic, inhumane, hard, fell (archaic), severe, harsh, savage, grim, vicious, relentless, murderous, monstrous, unnatural, unkind, heartless, atrocious, inhuman, merciless, cold-blooded, malevolent, hellish (informal), depraved, spiteful, brutish, bloodthirsty, remorseless, barbarous, pitiless, unfeeling, sanguinary, hard-hearted, stony-hearted, implacablea grim fight to the death Synonyms merciless, fierce, cruel, ruthless, ferocious, resolute, unrelenting, implacable, unyieldingDefinition unkind or unfeeling His father was a hard man. Synonyms harsh, severe, strict, cold, exacting, cruel, grim, stern, ruthless, stubborn, unjust, callous, unkind, unrelenting, implacable, unsympathetic, pitiless, unfeeling, obdurate, unsparing, affectless, hardhearted Additional synonymsDefinition unkind and showing no understanding He said many harsh and unkind things. Synonyms hard, sharp, severe, bitter, cruel, stern, unpleasant, abusive, unkind, pitiless, unfeelingDefinition unyielding the threat of invasion by a ruthless and implacable enemy Synonyms ruthless, cruel, relentless, uncompromising, intractable, inflexible, unrelenting, merciless, unforgiving, inexorable, unyielding, remorseless, pitiless, unbending, unappeasable Definition never stopping Incessant rain made conditions almost intolerable. Synonyms constant, endless, continuous, persistent, eternal, relentless, perpetual, continual, unbroken, never-ending, interminable, unrelenting, everlasting, unending, ceaseless, unremitting, nonstop, unceasingDefinition unable to be prevented from continuing or progressing the seemingly inexorable rise in unemployment Synonyms unrelenting, relentless, implacable, hard, severe, harsh, cruel, adamant, inescapable, inflexible, merciless, unyielding, immovable, remorseless, pitiless, unbending, obdurate, ineluctable, unappeasable Definition unwilling to be persuaded They viewed him as stubborn, inflexible and dogmatic. Synonyms obstinate, strict, relentless, firm, fixed, iron, adamant, rigorous, stubborn, stringent, uncompromising, resolute, steely, intractable, inexorable, implacable, steadfast, hard and fast, unyielding, immutable, immovable, unbending, obdurate, stiff-necked, dyed-in-the-wool, unchangeable, brassbound, set in your ways Definition unrelenting flooding caused by persistent rain Synonyms continuous, constant, relentless, lasting, repeated, endless, perpetual, continual, never-ending, interminable, unrelenting, incessant, unremittingDefinition feeling no pity or mercy He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy. Synonyms merciless, ruthless, heartless, harsh, cruel, brutal, relentless, callous, inhuman, inexorable, implacable, unsympathetic, cold-blooded, uncaring, unfeeling, cold-hearted, unmerciful, hardhearted Definition constantly unkind and lacking pity the capacity for quick, remorseless violence Synonyms pitiless, hard, harsh, cruel, savage, ruthless, callous, merciless, unforgiving, implacable, inhumane, unmerciful, hardhearted, uncompassionate Definition thorough and forceful, regardless of effect a ruthless totalitarian power Synonyms merciless, hard, severe, fierce, harsh, cruel, savage, brutal, stern, relentless, adamant, ferocious, callous, heartless, unrelenting, inhuman, inexorable, remorseless, barbarous, pitiless, unfeeling, hard-hearted, without pity, unmerciful, unpitying The proposals follow sustained criticism from teachers. Synonyms continuous, constant, steady, prolonged, perpetual, unremitting, nonstop Additional synonymsDefinition continuous The ruling party has governed the country for an unbroken thirty years. Synonyms continuous, uninterrupted, constant, successive, endless, progressive, incessant, ceaseless, unremittinga film of uncompromising brutality Synonyms unrelenting, ruthless, relentless, tough, cruel, merciless, pitiless, unsparing, unsoftened He was sustained by the unflagging support of his family. Synonyms constant, steady, tireless, fixed, persistent, staunch, persevering, unremitting, indefatigable, unfailing, unceasing, untiring, unfaltering, undeviating, unwearied Definition refusing to relent or take pity in the face of severe opposition and unrelenting criticism Synonyms merciless, tough, ruthless, relentless, cruel, stern, inexorable, implacable, intransigent, remorseless, pitiless, unsparingDefinition not diminishing in determination, effort, or force an unrelenting downpour of rain Synonyms steady, constant, continuous, endless, perpetual, continual, unbroken, incessant, unabated, ceaseless, unremitting, unwaveringDefinition remaining firm and determined his unyielding attitude on this subject Synonyms firm, tough, rigid, hardline, uncompromising, determined, relentless, adamant, stubborn, staunch, resolute, intractable, inflexible, inexorable, steadfast, obstinate, unwavering, immovable, unbending, obdurate, stiff-necked |