An integrated circuit is a very small electronic circuit printed on a single silicon chip.
integrated circuit in British English
a very small electronic circuit consisting of an assembly of elements made from a chip of semiconducting material, such as crystalline silicon
Abbreviation: IC
integrated circuit in American English
an electronic circuit containing many interconnected amplifying devices and circuit elements formed on a single body, or chip, of semiconductor material
integrated circuit in Electrical Engineering
(ɪntɪgreɪtɪd sɜrkɪt) or IC
Word forms: (regular plural) integrated circuits
(Electrical engineering: Semiconductor and electronic circuitry)
An integrated circuit is a device that contains its own transistors, resistors, and diodes within itself.
Today's radios are amazing pieces of modern technology, filled with low-power, high-performance,integrated circuits crammed into the smallest spaces.
A chip is also called an integrated circuit, which can contain millions of transistors.
An integrated circuit is a device that contains its own transistors, resistors, and diodes within itself.