An integrated institution is intended for use by all races or religious groups.
We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.
2. See also integrate
integrated in British English
characterized by integration
denoting a works which combines various processes normally carried out at different locations
an integrated steelworks
3. biology
denoting a virus the DNA of which is incorporated into the chromosomes of the host cell
Examples of 'integrated' in a sentence
`This is an integrated navigation, weather and communications system," said the skipper.
Jenkins, Geoffrey A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
`That's one of the tasks of the Church today: we're not integrated into the whole of people's lives... `
In other languages
British English: integrated ADJECTIVE
An integrated institution is intended for use by all races or religious groups.
We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.
American English: integrated
Brazilian Portuguese: integrado
Chinese: 种族 > 融合的或宗教
European Spanish: integrado
French: laïque
German: integriert
Italian: multirazziale
Japanese: >差別をしない人種・宗教上の
Korean: 인종 통합형
European Portuguese: integrado
Latin American Spanish: integrado
All related terms of 'integrated'
If someone integrates into a social group, or is integrated into it, they behave in such a way that they become part of the group or are accepted into it.
integrated day
teaching that is organized around themes , rather than separate subjects
integrated circuit
An integrated circuit is a very small electronic circuit printed on a single silicon chip.
integrated course
a course that covers several subjects
integrated school
(in New Zealand ) a private or church school that has joined the state school system
integrated studies
a course that includes a number of subjects and is organized by theme
integrated accounting package
all-in-one software that enables businesses to carry out accounting procedures
integrated pest management
an ecological approach to pest management that combines understanding the causes of pest outbreaks , manipulating the crop ecosystem for pest control, and monitoring pest populations and their life cycles to determine if and when the use of pesticides is indicated
computer-integrated manufacturing
manufacturing in which the entire production process is controlled by computer
Integrated Services Digital Network
A telephone network using fibre optics and microwave links to carry computer-controlled digitized messaging signals originating from a variety of sources and equipment
1 (adjective)
a fully integrated, supportive society
a united front against extreme poverty
forces from three allied nations
It was a collective decision taken by the full board.
the UN and its affiliated organisations
banded together
2 (adjective)
Most parents said they would like their children to be educated in integrated schools.