释义 |
(ʌnsɜːʳtənti) Word forms: plural uncertaintiesvariable nounUncertainty is a state of doubt about the future or about what is the right thing to do. ...a period of political uncertainty. ...the uncertainties of life on the West Coast. [+ of] Synonyms: unpredictability, precariousness, state of suspense, ambiguity More Synonyms of uncertainty More Synonyms of uncertainty uncertainty in British English (ʌnˈsɜːtəntɪ) nounWord forms: plural -ties1. Also called: uncertainness the state or condition of being uncertain 2. an uncertain matter, contingency, etc uncertainty in American English (ʌnˈsɜrtənti) noun1. lack of certainty; doubt 2. Word forms: plural unˈcertainties something uncertain SYNONYMY NOTE: uncertainty ranges in implication from a mere lack of absolute sureness [uncertainty about a date of birth] to such vagueness as to preclude anything more than guesswork [the uncertainty of the future]; doubt implies such a lack of conviction, as through absence of sufficient evidence, thatthere can be no certain opinion or decision [there is doubt about his guilt]; dubiety suggests uncertainty characterized by wavering between conclusions; , dubiosity connotes uncertainty characterized by vagueness or confusion; , skepticism implies an unwillingness to believe, often a habitual disposition to doubt, in theabsence of absolute certainty or proof OPPOSITES: conviction, assurance, certitude Word origin ME uncerteynteCOBUILD Collocationsuncertainty considerable uncertainty Examples of 'uncertainty' in a sentenceuncertainty There is a good deal of uncertainty about the exact path of the hurricane.This sector could be one of the few to see an upside from the current economic uncertainty.That consideration is uncertainty about the supply of men.Some councils have stopped penalising parents because of uncertainty about the legal situation.It comes after warning in July that economic and political uncertainty could hit earnings.International investors have been quitting sterling assets since the referendum in June because of economic uncertainty.Before the poll, some economists had been concerned that political and economic uncertainty after a vote to leave would depress consumer spending.Mainly I think people are just taking their time to readjust, following a long period of uncertainty.After a year of the unexpected, the one prediction that can be made with confidence is that British businesses will face continued change and uncertainty.What could be the advantages of accepting a little more uncertainty into your life?Uncertainty in any industry cannot be good.The plans are subject to great political uncertainties.We are also more likely to follow the crowd in periods of uncertainty.Was the uncertainty not making things worse?Risk implies an element of doubt and uncertainty.This may be especially true at times of great economic uncertainty.This stress is compounded by the uncertainties which surround life in prison.The move will help to lift a cloud of uncertainty over the industry.The openings came amid fresh political uncertainty in the country.It only takes a moment of doubt or uncertainty to put a fella off his stride.The precondition of politics this year will be economic uncertainty.Uncertainty about jobs and incomes meant that there was a continued focus on essentials.In the standard model investors are concerned exclusively with the amount and uncertainty of their futurewealth.Think deeply before you give up your comfortable life for the uncertainty of youthful life and love.The discount is explained by the huge uncertainty in the industry.The first casualty of political uncertainty is our currency.Despite the uncertainties one thing seems guaranteed.It added that constrained mortgage lending and the continued economic uncertainty meant it remained cautious about future prospects.Her love sonnets imply a period of uncertainty and anguish, followed by resignation.The dramatic deterioration came with Greek debt talks mired in continued uncertainty.I was now much happier because it seemed our period of uncertainty was about to end. In other languagesuncertainty British English: uncertainty / ʌnˈsɜːtntɪ/ NOUN Uncertainty is a state of doubt about the future or about what is the right thing to do. ...a time of political uncertainty. - American English: uncertainty
- Arabic: عَدَمُ التَأَكُّد
- Brazilian Portuguese: incerteza
- Chinese: 无确定因素
- Croatian: neizvjesnost
- Czech: nejistota
- Danish: uvished
- Dutch: onzekerheid
- European Spanish: incertidumbre
- Finnish: epävarmuus
- French: incertitude
- German: Ungewissheit
- Greek: αβεβαιότητα
- Italian: incertezza
- Japanese: 不確実
- Korean: 불확실
- Norwegian: usikkerhet
- Polish: niepewność
- European Portuguese: incerteza
- Romanian: incertitudine
- Russian: неопределенность
- Latin American Spanish: incertidumbre
- Swedish: osäkerhet
- Thai: ความไม่แน่นอน
- Turkish: belirsizlik
- Ukrainian: невпевненість
- Vietnamese: sự không chắc chắn
All related terms of 'uncertainty'Chinese translation of 'uncertainty' n (u) - (= confusion)
不确(確)定 (bù quèdìng)
a period of political uncertainty Synonyms unpredictability precariousness state of suspense unreliability fickleness inconclusiveness chanciness changeableness Opposites predictability , conclusiveness The magazine ignores all the uncertainties students currently face. Synonyms Opposites confidence , assurance , certainty , sureness There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Synonyms lack of confidence vagueness irresolution There is genuine uncertainty about the party's future plans. Synonyms unsureness doubt scepticism disquiet indecision vagueness hesitancy vacillation lack of conviction irresolutiondubiety doubtfulness Additional synonymsDefinition the possibility of interpreting an expression in more than one way the ambiguities of language Synonyms vagueness, doubt, puzzle, uncertainty, obscurity, enigma, equivocation, inconclusiveness, indefiniteness, dubiety, dubiousness, tergiversation, indeterminateness, equivocality, doubtfulness, equivocacy Definition the state of feeling two conflicting emotions at the same time I've never hidden my ambivalence about going back to work. Synonyms indecision, doubt, opposition, conflict, uncertainty, contradiction, wavering, fluctuation, hesitancy, equivocation, vacillation, irresolutionHe shook his head in bewilderment. Synonyms confusion, puzzlement, disorientation, perplexity, bemusement, mystification, befuddlement Additional synonymsDefinition bewilderment Omissions in my recent article may have caused some confusion. Synonyms bewilderment, doubt, uncertainty, puzzlement, perplexity, mystification, bafflement, perturbation Definition a situation offering a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives The issue raises a moral dilemma. Synonyms predicament, problem, difficulty, spot (informal), fix (informal), mess, puzzle, jam (informal), embarrassment, plight, strait, pickle (informal), how-do-you-do (informal), quandary, perplexity, tight corner or spot After some hesitation, he answered her question. Synonyms delay, pausing, uncertainty, stalling, dithering, indecision, hesitancy, doubt, vacillation, temporizing, shilly-shallying, irresolution, hemming and hawing, dubiety, stumbling, faltering, fumbling, stammering, stutteringAfter months of indecision, they gave the go-ahead on Monday. Synonyms hesitation, doubt, uncertainty, wavering, ambivalence, dithering (British), hesitancy, indecisiveness, vacillation, shilly-shallying (informal), irresolutionSynonyms indecisiveness, uncertainty, hesitation, wavering, dithering (British), hesitancy, infirmity (of purpose), vacillation, half-heartedness, faint-heartedness, shillyshallying (informal) She had some misgivings about what she was about to do. Synonyms unease, worry, doubt, anxiety, suspicion, uncertainty, reservation, hesitation, distrust, apprehension, qualm, trepidation (formal), scruple, dubietyDefinition the state of being perplexed There was utter perplexity in both their expressions. Synonyms puzzlement, confusion, bewilderment, incomprehension, bafflement, mystification, stupefactionHe looked at me in puzzlement. Synonyms perplexity, questioning, surprise, doubt, wonder, confusion, uncertainty, bewilderment, disorientation, bafflement, mystification, doubtfulness Definition a sudden sensation of misgiving I had a sudden qualm that all might not be well. Synonyms misgiving, doubt, uneasiness, regret, anxiety, uncertainty, reluctance, hesitation, remorse, apprehension, disquiet, scruple, compunction, twinge or pang of conscience Definition a situation in which it is difficult to decide what to do The anonymous letter creates a quandary for the judge. Synonyms difficulty, dilemma, predicament, puzzle, uncertainty, embarrassment, plight, strait, impasse, bewilderment, perplexity, delicate situation, cleft stick |