Insider trading or insider dealing is the illegal buying or selling of a company's shares by someone who has secret or private information about the company.
insider trading in American English
the buying or selling of a company's stock by one who has access to information not made public: trading based on such information may be illegal
insider trading in Finance
(ɪnsaɪdər treɪdɪŋ)
(Finance: Investment)
Insider trading is the act of illegally buying or selling securities based on confidential information not known to the general investing public.
insider dealing
There are legal barriers to private information becoming public, as with insider trading laws.
Insider trading is the buying or selling of a company's stock by that company's management, boardof directors, or persons holding more than 10 percent of a company's shares.
Insider trading is the act of illegally buying or selling securities based on confidential informationnot known to the general investing public.
Examples of 'insider trading' in a sentence
insider trading
No one there had stripped assets, borrowed riskily without telling the shareholders, indulged in insider trading.
Cleary, Jon MURDER SONG (2001)
`I'll be naming Debbs and his missus, too, about insider trading.
Cleary, Jon MURDER SONG (2001)
Remember when insider trading got them an automatic season ticket to Camelot?
Forbes, Bryan A SONG AT TWILIGHT (2001)
So far she hasn't been arrested for stock fraud, insider trading, or alienation of affection.
Olivia Goldsmith INSIDERS (2001)
In other languages
insider trading
British English: insider trading NOUN
Insider trading is the illegal buying or selling of a company's shares by someone who has secret or private information about the company.
...a friend of hers who is accused of insider trading in shares of his own company.
American English: insider trading
Brazilian Portuguese: compra ilegal de ações por alguém que detém informações privilegiadas
Chinese: 内幕交易
European Spanish: abuso de información privilegiada
French: délit d'initiés
German: Insiderhandel
Italian: insider trading
Japanese: インサイダー取引
Korean: 내부자 거래
European Portuguese: compra ilegal de ações por alguém que detém informações privilegiadas
Latin American Spanish: abuso de información privilegiada