A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on.
to lighten or lessen
→ another word for four-footed
having long legs
having one leg
having two legs
If someone is sitting cross-legged , they are sitting on the floor with their legs bent so that their knees point outwards.
(of a piece of furniture ) having three legs or supports
having long thin legs
four-legged friend
a four-legged animal, esp a dog
rough-legged hawk
a large hawk ( Buteo lagopus ) having legs covered with feathers to the base of the toes
three-legged race
a race in which pairs of competitors run with their adjacent legs tied together
red-legged partridge
a partridge , Alectoris rufa , having a reddish tail , red legs and bill , and flanks barred with chestnut , black, and white: common on farmlands and heaths in SW Europe, including Britain
rough-legged buzzard
a buzzard , Buteo lagopus , of Europe, Asia, and North America, having feathers covering its legs
gateleg table
a table with one or two drop leaves that are supported when in use by a hinged leg swung out from the frame
bandy legs
a condition in which the legs curve outwards like a bow between the ankle and the thigh