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English translation of '把'


  1. (= 握住) hold (pt, pp held)
    ⇒ 把住栏杆 (bǎzhù lángān) hold onto the rails
  2. (= 看守) guard
    ⇒ 把大门 (bǎ dàmén) guard the gate
  3. (= 控制) control
    ⇒ 把舵 (bǎduò) be at the helm
  4. (= ) take (pt took) (pp taken)
    ⇒ 别把这当回事。 (Bié bǎ zhè dàng huí shì.) Don't take this too seriously.
  5. (= 紧靠) be near to
    ⇒ 把着十字路口有家超市。 (Bǎzhe shízì lùkǒu yǒu jiā chāoshì.) There is a supermarket near the crossroads.
  6. (= 束缚) secure
    ⇒ 把住裂口 (bǎzhù lièkǒu) secure a breach

  1. (= 把手) handle
  2. (= ) bundle
    ⇒ 草把 (cǎobǎ) a bundle of straw

  1. ⇒ 一把刀 (yī bǎ dāo) a knife
    ⇒ 一把剪子 (yī bǎ jiǎnzi) a pair of scissors
    measure word, used for objects with a handle
  2. handful
    ⇒ 一把米 (yī bǎ mǐ) a handful of rice
    measure word, used for the quantity of something that can be held in a hand
  3. ⇒ 两把花 (liǎng bǎ huā) two bunches of flowers
    measure word, used for something that can be bundled together

  1. ⇒ 把门关好 (bǎ mén guānhǎo) shut the door
    ⇒ 把作业做完 (bǎ zuòyè zuòwán) finish doing one's homework
    ⇒ 她把书放在桌子上了。 (Tā bǎ shū fàngzài zhuōzi shang le.) She put the book on the table.

  1. about
    ⇒ 个把月 (gè bǎ yuè) about one month
(bǎ) is used to alter the word order of a sentence, especially when the verb is a complexone. The normal word order of Subject + Verb + Object, becomes Subject + 把 + Object + Verb. It is very commonly used when the verb implies a change of place,or when the verb is followed by certain complements. For instance, a word-for-wordtranslation of the sentence, 我把书放在那儿。 (Wǒ bǎ shū fàngzài nàr.) (I put the book there) is `I 把 book put there'.

see also



  1. (= 手柄) handle
    ⇒ 镐把 (gǎobà) pickaxe handle
  2. (= 茎秆) stem
    ⇒ 花把 (huābà) stem
  3. (= 话柄) butt
    ⇒ 话把儿 (huàbàr) the butt of ridicule
see also (bǎ)

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  • 把关
  • 把势
  • 把子
  • 把守
  • 把戏




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