Do wait patiently, giving people time to think and pray, knowing the innerconflicts they may be facing.
Christianity Today (2000)
But it is unfair to expect you to live with this innerconflict.
The Sun (2014)
Sort your own innerconflict then you will be able to deal with him.
The Sun (2012)
Definition of 'conflict'
(kɒnflɪkt) (kənflɪkt)Explore 'conflict' in the dictionary
uncountable noun [oft in/intoN]
Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are inconflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement.
Definition of 'inner'
(ɪnəʳ)Explore 'inner' in the dictionary
adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Your inner feelings are feelings which you have but do not show to other people.