The present work presents a study that confirms the main relationships proposed in the "psychosociological model".
Leoncio Camino, Eleneide A. da Silva, Sânzia M. de Souza 1998, 'Primeiros passos para a elaboração de um Modelo Psicossociológico do ComportamentoEleitoral: estudo dos eleitores de João Pessoa na campanha de 1992 Proposing a PsychosociologicalModel of Electoral Choice: the case of 1992 election in João Pessoa', Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These findings are in line with those from other studies and were examined within the framework of psychosociological theory.
Cleonice Camino, Lilian Galvão, Gina Quirino, Raquel Moraes, Antonio Roazzi, WilliamLee B. Martin 2007, 'Direitos humanos, atitude institucional e simpatia ideológica em universitários brasileirosHuman rights, institutional attitudes and ideological sympathies among Brazilian universitystudents', Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This study aimed to reveal the relationships among pain, social skills, and other psychosociological factors by using structural equation modeling.
Tanaka Y, Nishi Y, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Morioka S 2017, 'Uncovering the influence of social skills and psychosociological factors on pain sensitivityusing structural equation modeling', Journal of Pain Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (