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All related terms of '打'

English translation of '打'


  1. dozen

see also



  1. (指暴力) hit (pt, pp hit)
    ⇒ 殴打 (ōudǎ) beat up
    ⇒ 打人 (dǎ rén) beat sb up
  2. (= ) beat (pt beat) (pp beaten)
    ⇒ 打鼓 (dǎ gǔ) beat a drum
  3. (= ) break (pt broke) (pp broken)
    ⇒ 我把暖瓶给打了。 (Wǒ bǎ nuǎnpíng gěi dǎ le.) I broke the Thermos®.
  4. (= 发出) send (pt, pp sent)
    ⇒ 打信号 (dǎ xìnhào) send a signal
    ⇒ 打电话 (dǎ diànhuà) make a phone call
    ⇒ 打手电 (dǎ shǒudiàn) shine a torch
  5. (= 做游戏) play
    ⇒ 打篮球 (dǎ lánqiú) play basketball
  6. (表示动作)
    ⇒ 打喷嚏 (dǎ pēntì) sneeze
    ⇒ 打滚 (dǎgǔn) roll about
    ⇒ 打针 (dǎzhēn) have an injection
    ⇒ 小狗在雪堆里打滚。 (Xiǎogǒu zài xuěduī li dǎgǔn.) The little dog rolled about in the snow.
  7. (= 建造) build (pt, pp built)
    ⇒ 打基础 (dǎ jīchǔ) build the foundation
  8. (= 涂抹) polish
    ⇒ 打蜡 (dǎlà) wax
    ⇒ 鞋子得打油了。 (Xiézi děi dǎyóu le.) These shoes need a polish.
    ⇒ 明天我要给汽车打蜡。 (Míngtiān wǒ yào gěi qìchē dǎlà.) Tomorrow I'm going to wax the car.
  9. (= 交涉) deal with (pt, pp dealt)
    ⇒ 我再也不和他打交道了。 (Wǒ zài yě bù hé tā dǎ jiāodào le.) I don't want to have to deal with him any more.
    ⇒ 打交道 (dǎ jiāodào) socialize
    ⇒ 打官司 (dǎ guānsi) file a lawsuit
  10. (= 制造) make (pt, pp made)
    ⇒ 打家具 (dǎ jiājù) make furniture
  11. (= 搅拌) beat (pt beat) (pp beaten)
    ⇒ 打两个鸡蛋 (dǎ liǎng gè jīdàn) beat two eggs
  12. (= 编织) knit
    ⇒ 打毛衣 (dǎ máoyī) knit a sweater
  13. (= 捕捉) catch (pt, pp caught)
    ⇒ 打猎 (dǎliè) go hunting
    ⇒ 他打了两只麻雀。 (Tā dǎle liǎng zhī máquè.) He caught two sparrows.
  14. (= ) draw (pt drew) (pp drawn)
    ⇒ 打草稿 (dǎ cǎogǎo) draw up a draft
    ⇒ 他在纸上打横线。 (Tā zài zhǐ shang dǎ héngxiàn.) He drew horizontal lines on the paper.
  15. (= ) hold (pt, pp held)
    ⇒ 打伞 (dǎsǎn) hold an umbrella
  16. (= 除去) get rid of
  17. (= ) buy (pt, pp bought)
    ⇒ 请帮我去打瓶料酒。 (Qǐng bāng wǒ qù dǎ píng liàojiǔ.) Please buy me a bottle of cooking wine.
  18. [揭] open
    ⇒ 打开 (dǎkāi) open
    ⇒ 打开礼物 (dǎkāi lǐwù) open a present
  19. (= 穿凿) dig (pt, pp dug)
    ⇒ 打油井 (dǎ yóujǐng) dig an oil well
    ⇒ 打耳洞 (dǎ ěrdòng) pierce one's ears
  20. [证明、介绍信] issue
  21. [舀] spoon out
    ⇒ 你能帮我打碗汤吗? (Nǐ néng bāng wǒ dǎ wǎn tāng ma?) Can you spoon me out a bowl of soup?
  22. (= 收集) gather
    ⇒ 打柴 (dǎchái) gather firewood
  23. (= 从事) do (pt did) (pp done)
    ⇒ 打杂儿 (dǎzár) do odd jobs
  24. (= ) make (pt, pp made)
    ⇒ 打比喻 (dǎ bǐyù) make a comparison
  25. (= 定罪名) convict
    ⇒ 他被打成反动派。 (Tā bèi dǎchéng fǎndòngpài.) He was convicted of being a reactionary.
  26. (= ) pack
    ⇒ 打行李 (dǎ xíngli) pack one's bags
  27. [计算] calculate
    ⇒ 这笔费用应打入成本。 (Zhè bǐ fèiyòng yīng dǎrù chéngběn.) This expenditure has to be factored into our costs.
  28. [拨动] flick
    ⇒ 打字 (dǎzì) type
    ⇒ 打字机 (dǎzìjī) typewriter
    ⇒ 打字员 (dǎzìyuán) typist
    ⇒ 他算盘打得很快。 (Tā suànpán dǎ de hěn kuài.) He's very quick with his abacus.

  1. from
    ⇒ 打今儿起 (dǎ jīnr qǐ) from today
    ⇒ 打这儿左转。 (Dǎ zhèr zuǒ zhuǎn.) Turn left just here.

see also





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