No, I'd guess that the coin and the sign are riddle elements rather than psychological indices.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
This was no time for second thoughts or doubts of any indices.
Christina Jones TICKLED PINK (2001)
The existing indices are so sloppy as to be worse than nothing.
Wood, Bari DOLL'S EYES (2001)
All related terms of 'indices'
An index is a system by which changes in the value of something and the rate at which it changes can be recorded, measured, or interpreted .
subject index
an alphabetical list of persons, places, subjects, etc, mentioned in the text of a printed work, usually at the back, and indicating where in the work they are referred to
An exponent of an idea, theory , or plan is a person who supports and explains it, and who tries to persuade other people that it is a good idea.
sun index
a measurement of how strong the sun is
card index
A card index is a number of cards with information written on them which are arranged in a particular order, usually alphabetical , so that you can find the information you want easily .
colour index
the difference between the apparent magnitude of a star measured in one standard waveband and in a longer standard waveband, indicating its colour and temperature
nasal index
the ratio of the widest part of the nose to its length multiplied by 100
price index
→ index (sense 5 ) index (sense 5b )
share index
A share index is a number that indicates the state of a stock market . It is based on the combined share prices of a set of companies .
Capello Index
a player rating website backed by Fabio Capello in which marks are awarded to football players in the top teams according to their performance in key skills of the game
cephalic index
the ratio of the greatest width of the human head to its greatest length , multiplied by 100
cranial index
the ratio of the greatest length to the greatest width of the cranium , multiplied by 100: used in comparative anthropology
exposure index
the sensitivity to light of a photographic film, specified in terms of the film's ISO rating
facial index
the ratio of the length of the face to the width of the face multiplied by 100: often used in comparative anthropology
glycaemic index
an index indicating the effects of various foods on blood sugar . Fast-releasing foods that raise blood sugar levels quickly are high on the index, while slow-releasing foods, at the bottom of the index, give a slow but sustained release of sugar
misery index
a figure calculated by adding the rate of unemployment to the rate of inflation , used as an indicator of the economic welfare of an average member of society
Nikkei index
an index of prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
opsonic index
the ratio of the number of bacteria destroyed by phagocytes in the blood of a test patient to the number destroyed in the blood of a normal individual
orbital index
the ratio of the greatest height of the orbital cavity to its greatest breadth , times 100
prices index
an official list of the price of goods
phagocytic index
the average number of bacteria ingested per leukocyte in an incubated mixture of normal or immune serum , bacteria, and normal leukocytes
refractive index
a measure of the extent to which radiation is refracted on passing through the interface between two media . It is the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction , which can be shown to be equal to the ratio of the phase speed in the first medium to that in the second. In the case of electromagnetic radiation, esp light, it is usual to give values of the absolute refractive index of a medium, that is for radiation entering the medium from free space
body mass index
A person's body mass index is a measurement that represents the relationship between their weight and their height.
Hang Seng Index
an index of share prices based on an average of 33 stocks quoted on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
All-Ordinaries Index
an index of share prices on the Australian Stock Exchange giving a weighted arithmetic average of 245 ordinary shares
consumer price index
a measure of the average price of goods and services purchased by consumers , used as an index of inflation
characters per inch
retail price index
The retail price index is a list of the prices of typical goods which shows how much the cost of living changes from one month to the next .
retail price index
Thirty-Share Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times , designed to reflect general price trends : based on the average price of thirty British shares
Index Librorum Prohibitorum
(formerly) an official list of proscribed books
cost-of-living index
a numerical scale by means of which cost-of-living levels can be compared with a base number
Financial Times index
one of the indexes of share prices produced by the Financial Times , esp the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
wholesale price index
an indicator of price changes in the wholesale market
one-hundred share index
the average prices for shares of the largest, most actively traded, 100 companies on the London Stock Exchange
temperature-humidity index
an index of the effect on human comfort of temperature and humidity levels, 65 being the highest comfortable level
temperature-humidity index
windchill factor
an estimated measurement of the cooling effect of air and wind, esp. when applied to the loss of body heat from exposed skin; chill factor
Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times based on an average of 100 securities and giving the best indication of daily movements
FT-SE 100 Index
Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times , designed to reflect general price trends : based on the average price of thirty British shares
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times of 100 companies from Continental Europe, designed to reflect the wider European market
Financial Times Stock Exchange Eurotrack 100 Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times of 100 companies from Continental Europe, designed to reflect the wider European market