the prevention of disease or control of its possible spread
Examples of 'prophylaxes' in a sentence
Treatment at first contact was typically efficient, with high (>95%) coverage rates of prophylaxes.
Jerlie Loko Roka, Rafael Van den Bergh, Sokhieng Au, Eva De Plecker, Rony Zachariah,Marcel Manzi, Vincent Lambert, Elias Abi-Aad, Kassi Nanan-N'Zeth, Serge Nzuya, BrigitteOmba, Charly Shako, Derick MuishaBaroki, Jean Paul Basimuoneye, Didier AmudiandroyMoke, Emmanuel Lampaert, Lucien Masangu, Anja De Weggheleire 2014, 'One size fits all? Standardised provision of care for survivors of sexual violencein conflict and post-conflict areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
All teeth were submitted to prophylaxes with pumice stone and etching with phosphoric acid.
Edivaldo de Morais, Fábio Lourenço Romano, Lourenço Correr Sobrinho, Américo BortolazzoCorrer, Maria Beatriz Borges de Araújo Magnani 2011, 'Resistência ao cisalhamento da colagem com compósitos utilizando potencializador deadesão Shear bond strength of composites using an adhesion booster', Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Current prophylaxes are based on antibiotic ointments.
Colin P. Churchward, Raid G. Alany, Ruth S. Kirk, Anthony J. Walker, Lori A. S. Snyder,George A. Jacoby 2017, 'Prevention of Ophthalmia Neonatorum Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae Using a FattyAcid-Based Formulation', mBio Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Antibiotic and antiviral prophylaxes are usually performed and are based on the recipient and donor characteristics.
Fabio Cesar Miranda Torricelli, Andreia Watanabe, Elias David-Neto, William CarlosNahas 2014, 'Current management issues of immediate postoperative care in pediatric kidney transplantation',Clinics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (