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View usage for: (ɪnɑːʳtɪkjʊlət) adjectiveIf someone is inarticulate, they are unable to express themselves easily or well in speech. Inarticulate and rather shy, he had always dreaded speaking in public. Kempton made an inarticulate noise at the back of his throat as if he were aboutto choke. Synonyms: incoherent, incomprehensible, unintelligible, unclear More Synonyms of inarticulate More Synonyms of inarticulate inarticulate in British English (ˌɪnɑːˈtɪkjʊlɪt) adjective1. unable to express oneself fluently or clearly; incoherent 2. (of speech, language, etc) unclear or incomprehensible; unintelligible inarticulate grunts 4. unable to be expressed; unvoiced inarticulate suffering 5. biology having no joints, segments, or articulation Derived forms inarticulately (ˌinarˈticulately) adverb inarticulateness (ˌinarˈticulateness) or inarticulacy (ˌinarˈticulacy) noun inarticulate in American English (ˌɪnɑrˈtɪkjulɪt; ˌɪnɑrˈtɪkjəlɪt) adjective1. produced without the normal articulation of understandable speech said of vocal sounds an inarticulate cry 2. a. not able to speak, as because of strong emotion; mute b. not able to speak understandably, effectively, or coherently 3. not expressed or able to be expressed inarticulate passion 4. Zoology without joints, segments, hinges, or valves Derived forms inarticulately (ˌinarˈticulately) adverb inarticulateness (ˌinarˈticulateness) noun or ˌinarˈticulacy Word origin LL inarticulatus: see in- 2 & articulate Examples of 'inarticulate' in a sentenceinarticulate When I listened to his academic way of putting things I felt gauche and inarticulate.As she dallied there, goose bumps broke out over his damp skin, and he made an inarticulate noise deep in his throat. Definition unable to express oneself clearly or well He was inarticulate and rather shy. Definition unable to express oneself clearly or well She made an inarticulate noise in the back of her throat. Synonyms unclear mumbled muffled poorly spoken Opposites clear , articulate, coherent , comprehensible , intelligible , well-spoken extremes of anger, from inarticulate fury to mild irritation Synonyms wordless voiceless unvoiced unuttered Additional synonymsDefinition done or performed without speech We were all struck dumb for a minute. Synonyms silent, mute, speechless, inarticulate, tongue-tied, wordless, voiceless, soundless, at a loss for words, mumDefinition hesitant or uncertain The officer replied in halting German. Synonyms faltering, stumbling, awkward, hesitant, laboured, stammering, imperfect, stutteringDefinition doubtful and unsure in speech or action I was hesitant about accepting the invitation. Synonyms uncertain, reluctant, shy, halting, doubtful, sceptical, unsure, hesitating, wavering, timid, diffident, lacking confidence, vacillating, hanging back, irresolute, half-arsed (British, slang), half-assed (US, Canadian, slang), half-heartedNearby words ofinarticulate - inappropriate
- inapt
- inaptitude
- inarticulate
- inattention
- inattentive
- inaudible