If someone is in arrearswith their payments, or has got into arrears, they have not paid the regular amounts of money that they should have paid.
...the 300,000 households who are more than six months in arrears with their mortgages.
...debtor countries which fall into arrears with the banks.
Synonyms: behind, overdue, in debt, behindhand More Synonyms of in arrears
See full dictionary entry for arrears
in arrears
If sums of money such as wages or taxes are paid in arrears, they are paid at the end of the period of time to which they relate, for example after a job has been done and the wages have been earned.
Unemployment benefit is paid fortnightly in arrears.
See full dictionary entry for arrears
in arrears
If someone is in arrears in a sports match or race, they are not winning, because they have a lower score or slower time than other competitors.
[British, journalism]
Davies finished almost two seconds in arrears for third place.
See full dictionary entry for arrears
in arrears in British English
or in arrear
late in paying a debt or meeting an obligation
See full dictionary entry for arrears
in arrears in American English
or in arrear
behind in paying a debt, doing one's work, etc.
See full dictionary entry for arrears
Examples of 'in arrears' in a sentence
in arrears
We're spiralling into debt and in arrears with the rent.
The Sun (2011)
late in paying a debt
They are more than six months in arrears with their mortgage.
They were falling behind with their mortgage payments.
I'll go and pay an overdue visit to my mother.
in debt
You shouldn't borrow more money if you're already in debt.
See arrears
Additional synonyms
in the sense of in debt
owing money
You shouldn't borrow more money if you're already in debt.
in the red (informal),
in arrears,
in hock (informal),
behind with payments
in the sense of overdue
not having arrived or happened by the time expected or desired