a city in North Dakota, on the Missouri River: the state capital. Pop: 56 344 (2003 est)
Bismarck in British English2
(German ˈbɪsmark)
Prince Otto (Eduard Leopold) von (ˈɔto fɔn), called the Iron Chancellor. 1815–98, German statesman; prime minister of Prussia (1862–90). Under his leadership Prussia defeated Austria and France, and Germany was united. In 1871 he became the first chancellor of the German Reich
Bismarck in American English1
Prince Otto (Eduard Leopold) von1815-98; Prus. chancellor of the German Empire (1871-90), which he unified
called the Iron Chancellor
Bismarck in American English2
capital of N.Dak., on the Missouri River: pop. 56,000
Word origin
after Bismarck1, in recognition of financial aid to the local railroad by Ger investors