Alexander. 1766–1813, Scottish ornithologist in the US
Sir Angus (Frank Johnstone). 1913–91, British writer, whose works include the collection of short stories The Wrong Set (1949) and the novels Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (1956) and No Laughing Matter (1967)
Charles Thomson Rees. 1869–1959, Scottish physicist, who invented the cloud chamber: shared the Nobel prize for physics 1927
Edmund. 1895–1972, US critic, noted esp for Axel's Castle (1931), a study of the symbolist movement
(James) Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx. 1916–95, British Labour statesman; prime minister (1964–70; 1974–76)
Jacqueline. born 1945, British writer for older girls; her best-selling books include The Story of Tracey Beaker (1991), The Illustrated Mum (1998), and Girls in Tears (2002).
Richard. 1714–82, Welsh landscape painter
(Thomas) Woodrow (ˈwʊdrəʊ). 1856–1924, US Democratic statesman; 28th president of the US (1913–21). He led the US into World War I in 1917 and proposed the Fourteen Points (1918) as a basis for peace. Although he secured the formation of the League of Nations, the US Senate refused to support it: Nobel peace prize 1919
Derived forms
Wilsonian (wɪlˈsəʊnɪən)
Wilson in American English1
Alexander1766-1813; Am. ornithologist, born in Scotland
Sir Angus (Frank Johnstone)1913-91; Eng. novelist
Charles Thomson Rees (ris) 1869-1959; Scot. physicist
Edmund1895-1972; U.S. writer & critic
Sir (James) Harold1916-95; Eng. politician: prime minister (1964-70; 1974-76)
Robert Woodrow1936- ; U.S. radio astronomer
(Thomas) Woodrow1856-1924; 28th president of the U.S. (1913-21)
Wilson in American English2
Mountmountain of the Coast Ranges, SW Calif., near Pasadena: site of an astronomical observatory: 5,710 ft (1,740 m)
Word origin
after Ben D. Wilson, early settler
All related terms of 'Wilson'
Wilson Dam
dam on the Tennessee River, in NW Ala.: 137 ft (42 m ) high
Wilson's snipe
the common snipe
Wilson's disease
a disease characterized by abnormal accumulation of copper in the brain, liver , etc.
Wilson's petrel
a common storm petrel , Oceanites oceanicus, that breeds around Antarctica but is often seen in the Atlantic
Wilson's thrush
→ veery
Wilson's warbler
a small, green-and-yellow North American wood warbler ( Wilsonia pusilla )
Wilson cloud chamber
an apparatus for detecting high-energy particles by observing their tracks through a chamber containing a supersaturated vapour . Each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
cloud chamber
an apparatus for detecting high-energy particles by observing their tracks through a chamber containing a supersaturated vapour . Each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track