It seems to me he's simply following sound Marxist-Leninist principles where urban revolution is concerned.
It must have been one of your guiding principles in your heyday: know your enemy.
Hilton, John Buxton MOONDROP TO MURDER
All related terms of 'principles'
A principle is a general belief that you have about the way you should behave , which influences your behaviour.
biblical principles
The principles of a particular theory or philosophy are its basic rules or laws.
first principle
one of the fundamental assumptions on which a particular theory or procedure is thought to be based
anthropic principle
the cosmological theory that the presence of life in the universe limits the ways in which the very early universe could have evolved
banking principle
the principle that bank notes are a form of credit and should be issued freely in order to maintain an elastic currency
bitter principle
any of various bitter-tasting substances, such as aloin , usually extracted from plants
Carnot principle
the principle that no heat engine can be more efficient than one operating on a Carnot cycle of reversible changes
currency principle
the principle that banks should be permitted to issue notes only against bullion or coin
exclusion principle
→ Pauli exclusion principle
Fermat's principle
the principle that a ray of light passes from one point to another in such a way that the time taken is a minimum
Gause's principle
the principle that similar species cannot coexist for long in the same ecological niche
governing principle
a fundamental moral rule that guides and influences how something is done
pleasure principle
the idea that psychological processes and actions are governed by the gratification of needs. It is seen as the governing process of the id , whereas the reality principle is the governing process of the ego
reality principle
control of behaviour by the ego to meet the conditions imposed by the external world
Archimedes' principle
a law of physics stating that the apparent upward force ( buoyancy ) of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid
Bernoulli's principle
the principle that in a liquid flowing through a pipe the pressure difference that accelerates the flow when the bore changes is equal to the product of half the density times the change of the square of the speed , provided friction is negligible
cosmological principle
the theory that the universe is uniform , homogenous , and isotropic , and therefore appears the same from any position
d'Alembert's principle
the principle that for a moving body the external forces are in equilibrium with the inertial forces; a generalization of Newton's third law of motion
Maupertuis principle
→ the Maupertuis principle
uncertainty principle
the principle that energy and time or position and momentum of a quantum mechanical system, cannot both be accurately measured simultaneously. The product of their uncertainties is always greater than or of the order of h , where h is the Planck constant
verification principle
(in the philosophy of the logical positivists) the doctrine that nontautologous statements are meaningful only if it is in principle possible to establish empirically whether they are true or false
correspondence principle
the principle that the laws of quantum mechanics and of any new theory that may be developed reduce to the laws of Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetic theory when applied to systems in which Planck's constant can be regarded as negligible , wavelengths are comparatively small, dimensions are relatively large, etc
four eyes principle
the requirement that a business transaction be approved by at least two individuals
indeterminacy principle
→ uncertainty principle
precautionary principle
the precept that an action should not be taken if the consequences are uncertain and potentially dangerous
Le Chatelier's principle
the principle that if a system in chemical equilibrium is subjected to a disturbance it tends to change in a way that opposes this disturbance
Pauli exclusion principle
the principle that two identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state in a body such as an atom
greatest happiness principle
the ethical principle that an action is right in so far as it promotes the greatest happiness of the greatest number of those affected
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
→ uncertainty principle
Ritz combination principle
the principle that the frequencies of lines in atomic spectra can be represented as differences of a smaller number of terms, all characteristic of the emitting system, interpreted in quantum theory as the emission of exactly one photon in a transition between energy levels
principle of least action
the principle that motion between any two points in a conservative dynamical system is such that the action has a minimum value with respect to all paths between the points that correspond to the same energy
principle of superposition
any of several physical laws that the resultant of similar vector quantities at a point is a function of the sum of the individual quantities, esp. the law that the displacement at a point in a medium undergoing simple harmonic motion is equal to the sum of the displacements of each individual wave
the Maupertuis principle
the principle that motion between any two points in a conservative dynamical system is such that the action has a minimum value with respect to all paths between the points that correspond to the same energy
trichotomy property
the property that for natural numbers a and b , either a is less than b , a equals b , or a is greater than b
In the US, GAAP are rules to which financial statements of publicly traded companies must conform .