If two or more things are related, there is a connection between them.
The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related.
...equipment and accessories for diving and related activities.
Synonyms: associated, linked, allied, joint More Synonyms of related
2. adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
People who are related belong to the same family.
...people in countries like Bangladesh who have been able to show they are relatedto a spouse or parent living in Britain. [+ to]
3. adjective
If you say that different types of things, such as languages, are related, you mean that they developed from the same language.
Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages. [+ to]
...closely related species.
More Synonyms of related
combining form [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
-related combines with nouns to form adjectives with the meaning 'connected with the thing referred to by the noun'.
...performance-related pay.
related in British English
connected; associated
connected by kinship or marriage
(in diatonic music) denoting or relating to a key that has notes in common with another key or keys
Derived forms
relatedness (reˈlatedness)
related in American English
narrated; recounted; told
connected or associated, as by origin or kind; specif., connected by kinship, marriage, etc.; of the same family
3. Music
closely connected melodically or harmonically: said of tones, chords, etc.
SYNONYMY NOTE: relate verb transitive, applied to persons, implies close connection through consanguinity or, less often,through marriage [we are related through our mothers], applied to things, close connection through common origin, interdependence, etc.[related subjects]; kindred basically suggests blood relationship but in extension connotes close connectionas because of similar nature, tastes, goals, etc. [we are kindred souls]; cognate now usually applies to things and suggests connection because of a common source[cognate languages]; allied, applied to persons, suggests connection through voluntary association; applied tothings, connection through inclusion in the same category [allied sciences]; affiliate usually suggests alliance of a smaller or weaker party with a larger or strongerone as a branch or dependent [several companies are affiliated with this corporation]
Derived forms
relatedness (reˈlatedness)
Examples of 'related' in a sentence
None of these impressions made any sense or seemed related to any other.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
Of all his related accomplishments, this was still his chief joy.
Heller, Keith MAN'S LOVING FAMILY (2001)
In other languages
British English: related /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ ADJECTIVE
If two or more things are related, there is a connection between them.
Crime and poverty are closely related.
American English: related
Arabic: مُرْتَبِط
Brazilian Portuguese: relacionado
Chinese: 相关的
Croatian: povezan
Czech: související
Danish: forbundet
Dutch: gerelateerd
European Spanish: emparentado
Finnish: sukua oleva
French: lié
German: verwandt
Greek: σχετικός
Italian: imparentato
Japanese: 親類の
Korean: 관계가 있는
Norwegian: beslektet
Polish: związany
European Portuguese: relacionado
Romanian: legat de
Russian: связанный
Latin American Spanish: emparentado
Swedish: vara släkt med
Thai: เกี่ยวข้องกัน
Turkish: akraba
Ukrainian: пов'язаний
Vietnamese: có quan hệ
All related terms of 'related'
If something relates to a particular subject , it concerns that subject.
related to the HIV virus
caused by or associated with the AIDS virus
(of a disease, illness , etc) caused by smoking tobacco , etc
resulting from mental or emotional strain or tension
An earnings-related payment or benefit provides higher or lower payments according to the amount a person was earning while working .
AIDS-related complex
a condition that may develop into AIDS , characterized by the enlargement of the lymph nodes
Earnings Related Benefit
(formerly, in the British National Insurance scheme ) a payment based on earnings in the previous tax year, payable (in addition to unemployment or sickness benefit ) for about six months to a sick or unemployed person
performance-related pay
Performance-related pay is a rate of pay which is based on how well someone does their job.
Earnings Related Supplement
(formerly, in the British National Insurance scheme ) a payment based on earnings in the previous tax year, payable (in addition to unemployment or sickness benefit ) for about six months to a sick or unemployed person