distant ⇒ 大城市里贫富悬殊。 Dà chéngshì li pínfù xuánshū. → In big cities there's a huge gap between the rich and the poor.
offer a reward ⇒ 政府悬赏百万美金捉拿要犯。 Zhèngfǔ xuánshǎng bǎiwàn měijīn zhuōná yàofàn. → The government offered a reward of a million dollars for the arrest of the perpetrator.
English translation of '悬'
悬 (懸)
(= 挂) hang (pt, pp hung)
(= 设想) imagine
(= 挂念) be concerned about
(= 未定) be unresolved
⇒ 这件事还悬着呢。 (Zhè jiàn shì hái xuánzhe ne.) This matter is still unresolved.