Gabapentin with anti-hyperalgesic effects can play a critical role in pre-emptive analgesia methods.
Mohsen Mrdani Kivi, Mohammad Karimi Mobarakeh, Sohrab Keyhani, Keyvan Hashemi Motlagh,Khashayar sahab Ekhtiari 2013, 'Is Gabapentin Effective on Pain Management after Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate LigamentReconstruc tion? A Triple Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial', The Archives of Bone & Joint Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The group administered with the vehicle alone showed no anti-hyperalgesic effects.
Rajpal Sharad, Miranpuri Gurwattan, Allcock Bradley, Tilghman Jessica, Cain John,Baggott Christopher, Cramer Samuel W, Sun Dandan, Resnick Daniel 2008, 'The role of cation-dependent chloride transporters in neuropathic pain following spinalcord injury', Molecular Pain Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
It can induce analgesic and hyperalgesic effects in the central nervous system.
A-Reum Park, Hae In Lee, Dejidnorov Semjid, Do Kyung Kim, Sang Woo Chun 2014, 'Dual Effect of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Neuronal Excitability in Rat Substantia GelatinosaNeurons', Neural Plasticity Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Serum response factor in vivo knock down reduces mechanical hyperalgesic priming.
Ruben Gomez, Dorothy M. Kohler, Allison D. Brackley, Michael A. Henry, Nathaniel A.Jeske 2018, 'Serum response factor mediates nociceptor inflammatory pain plasticity', PAIN Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Activational patterns between nonpainful control stimulation and hyperalgesic stimulationwere compared.
Guy H. Hans, Everhard Vandervliet, Kristof Deseure, Paul M. Parizel 2013, 'Cerebral Activation during Von Frey Filament Stimulation in Subjects with Endothelin-1-InducedMechanical Hyperalgesia: A Functional MRI Study', BioMed Research International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
It also ameliorated the hyperalgesic response between 1 h and 3 h after carrageenan injection.
Keiichiro Tsuchida, Takae Ibuki, Kiyoshi Matsumura 2015, 'Bromoenol Lactone, an Inhibitor of Calcium-Independent Phospholipase A2, SuppressesCarrageenan-Induced Prostaglandin Production and Hyperalgesia in Rat Hind Paw', Mediators of Inflammation Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
According to the majority of the studies, sleep deprivation produces hyperalgesic changes.
Bernd Kundermann, Jürgen-Christian Krieg, Wolfgang Schreiber, Stefan Lautenbacher 2004, 'The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Pain', Pain Research and Management Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Previous picrotoxin (0.12 mg/kg) treatment abolished the hyperalgesic state induced by effective doses of the barbiturates, midazolam or ethanol.
M.A.K.F. Tatsuo, C.M. Yokoro, J.V. Salgado, S.M.S. Pesquero, M.A.P. Santana, J.N.Francischi 1997, 'Hyperalgesic effect induced by barbiturates, midazolam and ethanol: pharmacologicalevidence for GABA-A receptor involvement', Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The significance of opioidergic and serotoninergic processes as mediating mechanisms of the hyperalgesic changes produced by sleep deprivation are discussed.
Bernd Kundermann, Jürgen-Christian Krieg, Wolfgang Schreiber, Stefan Lautenbacher 2004, 'The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Pain', Pain Research and Management Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (