extend in all directions ⇒ 地铁线路四通八达。 Dìtiě xiànlù sì tōng bā dá. → The different lines of the underground link everywhere up.
have a meteoric rise
try to run before one can walk ⇒ 学习外语是一个循序渐进的过程,欲速则不达。 Xuéxí wàiyǔ shì yī gè xún xù jiàn jìn de guòchéng, yù sù zé bù dá. → Studying foreign languages is a progressive, gradual process – you can't run before you can walk.
English translation of '达'
达 (達)
(指时间) last
⇒ 长达两个小时的报告 (chángdá liǎng gè xiǎoshí de bàogào) a report lasting two hours
(= 通)
⇒ 直达 (zhídá) non-stop journey
⇒ 这趟火车直达北京。 (Zhè tàng huǒchē zhídá Běijīng.) This train is going direct to Beijing.
⇒ 你要坐直达火车还是直达班机? (Nǐ yào zuò zhídá huǒchē háishì zhídá bānjī?) Are you going by non-stop train or direct flight?
(= 表示) express
⇒ 转达 (zhuǎndá) convey
⇒ 请尽快把我的话转达给她。 (Qǐng jìnkuài bǎ wǒ de huà zhuǎndá gěi tā.) Please convey my message to her as soon as possible.