⇒ 大千世界无奇不有,你用不着少见多怪。 Dàqiān-shìjiè wú qí bù yǒu, nǐ yòng bù zháo shǎo jiàn duō guài. → The world is full of miraculous things, you shouldn't be so easily impressed. ⇒ 也许是我少见多怪, 我觉得最美丽的地方莫过于桂林了。 Yěxǔ shì wǒ shǎo jiàn duō guài, wǒ juéde zuì měilì de dìfang mò guò yú Guìlín le. → Perhaps I haven't seen much of the world, but I think nowhere is more beautiful than Guilin.
odd ⇒ 他说话老是阴阳怪气的,让人听着别扭。 Tā shuōhuà lǎoshì yīn yáng guài qì de, ràng rén tīngzhe bièniu. → He has such an odd way of speaking that it's irritating to listen to him.
English translation of '怪'
(= 觉得奇怪) be surprised
(= 责怪) blame
⇒ 这事也不能全怪他。 (Zhè shì yě bùnéng quán guài tā.) We can't blame this entirely on him.
(口) really
⇒ 这行李怪沉的。 (Zhè xínglǐ guài chén de.) This bag is really heavy.