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( prɪpeə ʳ )
Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense prepares , present participle preparing , past tense , past participle prepared 1. verb If you prepare something, you make it ready for something that is going to happen.
The most important task was to prepare a list of missing items. [ VERB noun]
On average each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare. [ VERB noun]
The crew of the Iowa has been preparing the ship for storage. [ VERB noun + for ]
Synonyms: equip, fit, adapt, adjust More Synonyms of prepare
2. verb If you prepare for an event or action that will happen soon, you get yourself ready for it or make the necessary arrangements.
The Party leadership is using management consultants to help prepare for the nextelection. [ VERB + for ]
British books. [ VERB for noun]
He had to go back to his hotel and prepare to catch a train for New York. [ VERB to-infinitive]
His doctor had told him to prepare himself for surgery. [ V pron-refl + for ]
[ Also
VERB ] Synonyms: train, guide, prime, direct More Synonyms of prepare
3. verb When you prepare food, you get it ready to be eaten, for example by cooking it.
She made her way to the kitchen, hoping to find someone preparing dinner. [ VERB noun]
The best way of preparing the nuts is to rehydrate them by soaking overnight. [ VERB noun]
More Synonyms of prepare
prepare in British English ( prɪˈpɛə )
verb 1. to make ready or suitable in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
to prepare a meal
to prepare to go
2. to put together using parts or ingredients; compose or construct
3. ( transitive) to equip or outfit, as for an expedition
4. ( transitive) music to soften the impact of (a dissonant note) by the use of preparation
5. be prepared
Derived forms
preparer ( preˈparer) noun
Word origin
C15: from Latin
praeparāre, from
prae before +
parāre to make ready
prepare in American English ( priˈpær ; prɪˈpær)
verb transitive Word forms: preˈpared or preˈparing 1. to make ready, usually for a specific purpose; make suitable; fit; adapt; train
2. to make receptive; dispose; accustom
to prepare someone for bad news
3. to equip or furnish with necessary provisions, accessories, etc.; fit out
to prepare an expedition
4. to put together or make out of ingredients, parts, etc., or according to a plan or formula; compound
to prepare dinner or a medicine
5. Music to use (a dissonant tone) in preparation
Derived forms
preparedly ( preˈparedly) ( priˈpærɪdli ; prɪˈpærɪdli) adverb
Word origin
preparen < MFr
preparer < L
praeparare <
prae- , before (see pre-) +
parare , to set in order, get ready, akin to
parere , to bring forth, bear (see -parous)
More idioms containing prepare
prepare the ground
Examples of 'prepare' in a sentence prepare
This is an ideal pudding to prepare in advance. We will see who we get and prepare for that game. The best way they could prepare was to stay focused on their own careers. Insist you will not pay and are prepared to go to the police. Prepare to get some serious interior design envy. It’s prepared in creative ways that reflect the sensibilities of the chef. We welcome those who are prepared to make a stand to defend all they hold dear regardless of the cost. Find out in advance and prepare to queue early if there's something you really want. That makes you prepared to run the extra five or ten yards, make that tackle. Should he use them sparingly, pair them with experienced players or be prepared to risk using them in pairs? You can prepare it in advance and leave in the fridge until you need it. It would also be used to prepare other seafood. There is time to get themselves properly prepared. With increasing profitability business is prepared to make the investment. Our job as worship leaders is graciously to prepare the way. What makes him different is the lengths to which he is prepared to go. Staff must have been prepared in advance. Anyone prepared to use drugs for public policy needs watching. So are you prepared to get tough with him? As an adult he was prepared to make personal sacrifices for his own venture. No one can say that there is only way to prepare for a major championship. They were prepared to go out to another country and plot against their homeland. People of all ages must be prepared for these advances. Maximum exploitation without thought for pollution prepared the way for ecological disasters. If he is cheating he is sure prepared to go the extra mile to deceive us. Everything can be prepared in advance with minimal effort and cooking takes minutes. Everybody has their own way of preparing. Are you prepared to go to the point of robbery? Couples need to know about them in advance and prepare for them. Waitrose said that it was prepared to make early payments to suppliers with short-term liquidity problems. In other languages prepare
British English :
prepare /
prɪˈpɛə /
VERB If you prepare something, you make it ready for something that is going to happen.
Before painting, you must prepare the walls by washing them.
American English : prepare Arabic : يُعِد Brazilian Portuguese : preparar Chinese : 准备 Croatian : pripremiti Czech : připravit Danish : forberede Dutch : voorbereiden European Spanish : preparar Finnish : valmistella French : préparer German : vorbereiten Greek : ετοιμάζω Italian : preparare Japanese : 準備する Korean : 준비하다 Norwegian : forberede Polish : przygotować European Portuguese : preparar Romanian : a pregăti Russian : готовить(ся) Latin American Spanish : preparar Swedish : förbereda Thai : เตรียม Turkish : hazırlama Ukrainian : приготувати (ся) Vietnamese : chuẩn bị Chinese translation of 'prepare' vt [speech, room, report, object etc] 准(準)备(備) (zhǔnbèi) [food, meal] 预(預)备(備) (yùbèi) vi to prepare (for sth) [event, exam, interview] (为(為)某事)做准(準)备(備) ((wèi mǒushì) zuò zhǔnbèi)
to prepare o.s. for sth [shock, meeting, event] 使自己对(對)某事有所准(準)备(備) (shǐ zìjǐ duì mǒushì yǒu suǒ zhǔnbèi)
to prepare to do sth (= get ready ) 准(準)备(備)好做某事 (zhǔnbèihǎo zuò mǒushì)
to prepare for action 准(準)备(備)战(戰)斗(鬥) (zhǔnbèi zhàndòu)
All related terms of 'prepare'
to make or get ready
He said the government must prepare an emergency plan for evacuation.
make or get ready
draw up
get up (informal)
put together
make provision
put in order
jack up (New Zealand , informal)
to equip or outfit, as for an expedition
The crew has been preparing the ship for storage.
It is a school's job to prepare students for university studies.
to put together using parts or ingredients
She found him in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
put together
fix up
dish up
rustle up (informal)
to make or get ready
They were not given enough time to prepare for the election battle.
get ready
make provision
lay the groundwork
make preparations
arrange things
get everything set
giving the players a chance to prepare for the match
I began to prepare myself for the worst.
Additional synonyms Definition
to change something to suit a new purpose
Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.
convert ,
change ,
prepare ,
fit ,
fashion ,
make ,
shape ,
suit ,
qualify ,
transform ,
alter ,
modify ,
tailor ,
remodel ,
tweak (informal) ,
metamorphose ,
to alter slightly, so as to be accurate or suitable
Liz adjusted her mirror and edged the car out.
modify ,
arrange ,
fix ,
tune (up) ,
alter ,
adapt ,
remodel ,
tweak (informal) ,
to plan in advance
She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon.
plan ,
agree ,
prepare ,
determine ,
schedule ,
organize ,
construct ,
devise ,
contrive ,
fix up ,
jack up (New Zealand , informal)
Additional synonyms Definition
to put together the parts of (a machine)
She was trying to assemble the bookcase when it collapsed.
put together ,
make ,
join ,
set up ,
manufacture ,
build up ,
connect ,
construct ,
erect ,
piece together ,
fabricate ,
fit together
to prepare or instruct (someone) by giving a summary of relevant facts
A spokesperson briefed reporters.
inform ,
prime ,
prepare ,
advise ,
fill in (informal) ,
instruct ,
clue in (informal) ,
gen up (British , informal) ,
put in the picture (informal) ,
give a rundown ,
keep (someone) posted ,
give the gen (British , informal)
to train or teach
He coached me for my French exam.
instruct ,
train ,
prepare ,
exercise ,
drill ,
tutor ,
cram Definition
to invent or make up (a story or plan)
He said the prisoner had concocted the story to get a lighter sentence.
make up ,
design ,
prepare ,
manufacture ,
plot ,
invent ,
devise ,
brew ,
hatch ,
formulate ,
contrive ,
fabricate ,
think up ,
cook up (informal) ,
trump up ,
project Definition
to build or put together
The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber.
build ,
make ,
form ,
create ,
design ,
raise ,
establish ,
set up ,
fashion ,
shape ,
engineer ,
frame ,
manufacture ,
put up ,
assemble ,
put together ,
erect ,
fabricate Definition
to address (a look or remark) at someone
He directed the tiny beam of light at the roof.
aim ,
point ,
turn ,
level ,
train ,
focus ,
fix ,
cast Definition
to improve or attempt to improve the behaviour of (oneself or someone else) by training or rules
I'm very good at disciplining myself.
train ,
control ,
govern ,
check ,
educate ,
regulate ,
instruct ,
restrain Definition
to practise using in order to develop or train
She exercises two or three times a week.
train ,
work out ,
practise ,
drill ,
keep fit ,
inure ,
do exercises
to form, make, or shape
The desk was fashioned out of oak.
make ,
shape ,
cast ,
construct ,
work ,
form ,
create ,
design ,
manufacture ,
forge ,
mould ,
contrive ,
fabricate Definition
to make competent or ready
The bombs were fitted with time devices.
equip ,
provide ,
arm ,
prepare ,
outfit ,
accommodate ,
fit out ,
kit out ,
rig out ,
Additional synonyms Definition
to give shape to or take shape, esp. a particular shape
He gave orders for the cadets to form into lines.
arrange ,
combine ,
line up ,
organize ,
assemble ,
dispose ,
draw up
to strengthen physically, mentally, or morally
The volunteers were fortified by their patriotic belief.
sustain ,
encourage ,
confirm ,
cheer ,
strengthen ,
reassure ,
brace ,
stiffen ,
hearten ,
embolden ,
invigorate Definition
to provide (a house or room) with furniture, etc.
Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques.
decorate ,
fit ,
fit out ,
appoint ,
provide ,
stock ,
supply ,
store ,
provision ,
outfit ,
equip ,
fit up ,
purvey She was getting a meal for all of us.
prepare ,
cook ,
fix ,
put together ,
concoct ,
fix up
They are girding themselves for battle against a new enemy.
prepare ,
ready ,
steel ,
brace ,
fortify ,
make or get ready
to train (someone) for a particular task or occupation
He was already being groomed for a top job.
train ,
prime ,
prepare ,
coach ,
ready ,
educate ,
drill ,
nurture ,
make ready Definition
to influence (a person) in his or her actions or opinions
He should have let his instinct guide him.
supervise ,
train ,
rule ,
teach ,
influence ,
advise ,
counsel ,
govern ,
educate ,
regulate ,
instruct ,
oversee ,
sway ,
superintend Homes can be outfitted with security lights for a few hundred dollars.
equip ,
stock ,
supply ,
turn out ,
appoint ,
provision ,
furnish ,
fit out ,
deck out ,
kit out ,
fit up ,
to form a plan (for)
I had been planning a trip to the West Coast.
devise ,
arrange ,
prepare ,
scheme ,
frame ,
plot ,
draft ,
organize ,
outline ,
invent ,
formulate ,
contrive ,
think out ,
concoct Definition
to give (someone) information in advance to prepare him or her
The press corps has been primed to avoid this topic.
inform ,
tell ,
train ,
coach ,
brief ,
fill in (informal) ,
groom (informal) ,
notify ,
clue in (informal) ,
gen up (British , informal) ,
give someone the lowdown ,
clue up (informal)
Additional synonyms Definition
to make
The company produces circuitry for communications systems.
make ,
build ,
create ,
develop ,
turn out ,
manufacture ,
construct ,
invent ,
assemble ,
put together ,
originate ,
fabricate ,
I haven't had time to put him in the picture yet.
inform ,
brief ,
fill someone in ,
keep someone posted ,
bring someone up to date ,
explain the situation to ,
bring someone up to speed (informal) ,
give details to ,
explain the circumstances to
to make ready
John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault.
prepare ,
get set ,
organize ,
get ready ,
order ,
arrange ,
equip ,
fit out ,
make ready ,
jack up (New Zealand , informal)
to become stronger or make (something) stronger
The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber.
support ,
brace ,
steel ,
reinforce ,
consolidate ,
harden ,
bolster ,
augment ,
buttress Definition
to prepare for a race, sporting contest, or exercise routine by doing gentle exercises immediately beforehand
Make sure you warm up before you start the exercises.
limber up ,
exercise ,
stretch ,
get ready ,
loosen up ,