The lacrimal and third eyelid superficial glands produce the aqueous component of the preocular tear film.
Vânia Pais Cabral, José Luiz Laus, Maria Lúcia Zaidan Dagli, Gener Tadeu Pereira,Ivia Carmem Talieri, Eduardo Raposo Monteiro, Fabrício Villela Mamede 2005, 'Canine lacrimal and third eyelid superficial glands' macroscopic and morphometriccharacteristics Aspectos macroscópicos e morfométricos das glândulas lacrimal e superficialda terceira pálpebra de cães (Canis familiares; LINNAEUS, 1758)', Ciência Rural Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Unfortunately, effective treatments are limited by poor bioavailability of antiglaucoma medicine due to short residence time on the preocular surface.
Tian SY, Li J, Tao Q, Zhao YW, Lv ZF, Yang F, Duan HY, Chen YZ, Zhou QJ, Hou DZ 2018, 'Controlled drug delivery for glaucoma therapy using montmorillonite/Eudragit microspheresas an ion-exchange carrier', International Journal of Nanomedicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (