an instrument of punishment consisting of a heavy wooden frame with holes in which the feet, hands, or head of an offender were locked
a frame in which an animal is held while receiving veterinary attention or while being shod
a frame used to support a boat while under construction
4. nautical
a vertical post or shaft at the forward edge of a rudder, extended upwards for attachment to the steering controls
5. on the stocks
Examples of 'stocks' in a sentence
Lorraine has a great job in the city; she is a head secretary for a large and important stocks and securities firm.
Shell, Ray ICED
All related terms of 'stocks'
Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid.
penny stocks
Penny stocks are high-risk stock that sells for a very low price outside of the main stock exchange .
cyclical stocks
shares which are highly sensitive to the business cycle and affected by the performance of the economy
ambulance stocks
high-performance stocks and shares recommended by a broker to a dissatisfied client to improve their relationship
individual stocks
Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid.
on the stocks
in preparation or under construction
registered stocks
stocks officially registered to the name of the owner
dry stock
cattle that are raised for meat
stock up
If you stock up on something, you buy a lot of it, in case you cannot get it later .
beta stock
any of the second rank of active securities on the Stock Exchange , of which there are about 500. Continuous display of prices by market makers is required but not immediate publication of transactions
bump stock
a gunstock that can be fitted to a rifle to allow it to fire like an automatic firearm
dead stock
farm equipment
open stock
merchandise , as dishes , available in sets, with individual pieces kept in stock for replacements or additions
alpha stock
any of the most active securities on the Stock Exchange of which there are between 100 and 200; at least ten market makers must continuously display the prices of an alpha stock and all transactions in them must be published immediately
buffer stock
a stock of a commodity built up by a government or trade organization with the object of using it to stabilize prices
common stock
Common stock refers to the shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company's meetings and to receive part of the company's profits after the holders of preferred stock have been paid .
delta stock
any of the fourth rank of active securities on the Stock Exchange . Market makers need not display prices of these securities continuously and any prices displayed are taken only as an indication rather than an offer to buy or sell
gamma stock
any of the third rank of active securities on the London Stock Exchange. Prices displayed by market makers are given as an indication rather than an offer to buy or sell
growth stock
ordinary shares with good prospects of appreciation in yield and value
joint stock
capital funds held in common and usually divided into shares between the owners
penny stock
a highly speculative stock traded over the counter , typically at prices under one dollar per share
summer stock
the production of plays, musical comedy , etc, during the summer , esp. in a suburban or resort area, often by a repertory company
white stock
a stock of veal bones, vegetables , herbs , and seasonings : used as the basis for sauces and soups
breeding stock
animals specifically kept to breed from
capital stock
the par value of the total share capital that a company is authorized to issue
debenture stock
stock that pays a fixed rate of interest at fixed intervals
evening stock
a plant, Matthiola incana, of the genus Matthiola , of the Mediterranean region, cultivated for its brightly coloured flowers: Brassicaceae ( crucifers )
housing stock
the total number of houses, flats , etc, in an area
laughing stock
If you say that a person or an organization has become a laughing stock , you mean that they are supposed to be important or serious but have been made to seem ridiculous .
ordinary stock
Brit See common stock
preferred stock
Preferred stock is the same as → preference shares .
recovery stock
a security that has fallen in price but is believed to have the ability to recover
rolling stock
Rolling stock is all the engines and carriages that are used on a railway.
undated stock
stock that has no definitive repayment commitment
Virginian stock
a similar and related North American plant, Malcolmia maritima
Virginia stock
a Mediterranean plant, Malcolmia maritima , cultivated for its white and pink flowers: family Brassicaceae ( crucifers )
government stock
stock issued by the UK or another national government
linguistic stock
a parent language and all the languages and dialects derived from it
preference stock
shares representing part of the capital issued by a company and entitling their holders to priority with respect to both net profit and net assets . Preference shares usually carry a definite rate of dividend that is generally lower than that declared on ordinary shares
restricted stock
unregistered stock , as that issued privately as compensation to corporate executives subject to special conditions
gilt-edged stock
government stock on which interest payments will certainly be met and that will certainly be repaid at par on the due date
night-scented stock
a plant, Matthiola bicornis, of the genus Matthiola , of the Mediterranean region, cultivated for its brightly coloured flowers: Brassicaceae ( crucifers )
convertible loan stock
a stock or bond that can be converted into a stated number of shares at a particular date
ordinary shares
Ordinary shares are shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company's meetings and to receive part of the company's profits after the holders of preference shares have been paid. Compare → preference shares .
the part of a vessel's rudder by which it is pivoted to the sternpost or rudderpost
voting share
shares representing part of the capital issued by a company and entitling their holders to a dividend that varies according to the prosperity of the company, to vote at all meetings of members, and to a claim on the net assets of the company, after the holders of preference shares have been paid
preference shares
Preference shares are shares in a company that are owned by people who have the right to receive part of the company's profits before the holders of ordinary shares are paid. They also have the right to have their capital repaid if the company fails and has to close . Compare → ordinary shares .