of, pertaining to or existing in the period before the rule of a given dynasty or dynasties
predynastic in American English
of, pertaining to, or belonging to a time or period before the first dynasty of a nation, esp. the period in Egypt before c3200b.c.
Word origin
[1895–1900; pre- + dynastic]This word is first recorded in the period 1895–1900. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Marxism, backstage, backwind, flamenco, hit-and-runpre- is a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “before”(preclude; prevent); applied freely as a prefix, with the meanings “prior to,” “in advance of,” “early,”“beforehand,” “before,” “in front of,” and with other figurative meanings (preschool; prewar; prepay: preoral; prefrontal)