A binder is a hard cover with metal rings inside, which is used to hold loose pieces of paper.
binder in British English
a firm cover or folder with rings or clasps for holding loose sheets of paper together
a material used to bind separate particles together, give an appropriate consistency, or facilitate adhesion to a surface
a person who binds books; bookbinder
a machine that is used to bind books
something used to fasten or tie, such as rope or twine
5. New Zealand informal
a square meal
6. Also called: reaper binder obsolete
a machine for cutting grain and binding it into bundles or sheaves
Compare combine harvester
an informal agreement giving insurance coverage pending formal issue of a policy
a tie, beam, or girder, used to support floor joists
a stone for binding masonry; bondstone
the nonvolatile component of the organic media in which pigments are dispersed in paint
(in systemic grammar) a word that introduces a bound clause; a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun
Compare linker (sense 2)
binder in American English
a person who binds; specif., a bookbinder
a thing that binds or holds together
; specif.,
a band, cord, etc.
a material that binds things together
tar is a binder for gravel in paving
a detachable cover with rings or clamps for holding sheets of paper together
a leaf of tobacco rolled around the filler of a cigar to bind it
3. US, Agriculture
a device attached to a reaper, for tying grain in bundles
a machine that both reaps and binds grain
4. Law
a temporary memorandum of a contract, in effect pending execution of the final contract
binder in Insurance
Word forms: (regular plural) binders
(Insurance: Commercial insurance)
A binder is an informal agreement that gives insurance coverage while you are waiting for a policy to be formally issued.
A binder is given to an applicant for insurance during the time it takes an insurance companyto complete the policy paperwork.
As a general rule, coverage does not begin until a policy is issued by the insurer,unless the insurer's agent issues a binder.
A binder is an informal agreement that gives insurance coverage while you are waiting fora policy to be formally issued.
binder in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Word forms: (regular plural) binders
(Pharmaceutical: Excipients)
A binder is a substance used to create a desired consistency in another substance.
Binders prevent a cream from becoming mushy and produce a cream that feels smooth.
Binders improve the texture and consistency of semi-solid medicines.
A binder is a substance used to create a desired consistency in another substance.
Examples of 'binder' in a sentence
The sheavers brought a flagon of cider and they all took a rest in the shade of the binder.
Philip Marsden THE MAIN CAGES (2002)
Tim's eyes went past him to the last black binder in the safe.
Gregg Hurwitz THE KILL CLAUSE (2002)
Word lists with
architectural features
In other languages
British English: binder NOUN
A binder is a hard cover with metal rings inside, which is used to hold loose pieces of paper.
American English: binder
Brazilian Portuguese: fichário
Chinese: 活页夹
European Spanish: archivador
French: classeur
German: Hefter
Italian: raccoglitore
Japanese: バインダー
Korean: > 바인더종이 등을 함께 묶는
European Portuguese: fichário
Latin American Spanish: bibliorato
All related terms of 'binder'
ring binder
A ring binder is a file with hard covers , which you can insert pages into. The pages are held in by metal rings on a bar attached to the inside of the file.
binder twine
a strong, coarse twine , as of sisal , used esp. in binding sheaves of grain and bales of hay
reaper binder
a firm cover or folder with rings or clasps for holding loose sheets of paper together
spring binder
a type of binder for loose sheets of paper in which the pages are secured by a mechanism containing a metal spring
loose-leaf binder
a hard cover with metal rings inside which is used to hold loose pieces of paper
A bookbinder is a person whose job is fastening books together and putting covers on them.