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View usage for: (priːsept) Word forms: plural preceptscountable nounA precept is a general rule that helps you to decide how you should behave in particular circumstances. [formal] ...an electoral process based on the precept that all men are born equal. ...the precepts of Buddhism. Synonyms: rule, order, law, direction More Synonyms of precept More Synonyms of precept precept in British English (ˈpriːsɛpt) noun1. a rule or principle for action 2. a guide or rule for morals; maxim 3. a direction, esp for a technical operation 4. lawb. a written order to a sheriff to arrange an election, the empanelling of a jury, etc c. (in England) an order to collect money under a rate Word origin C14: from Latin praeceptum maxim, injunction, from praecipere to admonish, from prae before + capere to take precept in American English (ˈpriˌsɛpt) noun1. a commandment or direction meant as a rule of action or conduct 2. a rule of moral conduct; maxim 3. a rule or direction, as in technical matters 4. Law a written order; writ SIMILAR WORDS: ˈdoctrine Word origin ME < L praeceptum < praecipere, to admonish, teach < prae-, before (see pre-) + capere, to take Examples of 'precept' in a sentenceprecept Human nature is too strong for them, and they don’t follow their own precepts.With the loss of religious precepts and the growth in relativism, our only arbiter now is the law or regulation. In other languagesprecept British English: precept NOUN A precept is a general rule that helps you to decide how you should behave in particular circumstances. ...an electoral process based on the precept that all people are born equal. - American English: precept
- Brazilian Portuguese: preceito
- Chinese: 准则
- European Spanish: precepto
- French: précepte
- German: Grundsatz
- Italian: precetto
- Japanese: 教え
- Korean: 수칙
- European Portuguese: preceito
- Latin American Spanish: precepto
Definition a rule of conduct the precepts of Buddhism Synonyms direction principle commandment behest Definition a rule for morals the precept, `If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well' Additional synonymsDefinition a generally accepted principle the long-held axiom that education leads to higher income Synonyms principle, fundamental, maxim, gnome, adage, postulate, dictum, precept, aphorism, truism, apophthegm Definition a common saying Loyalty, support, and secrecy became the bywords of the day. Synonyms saying, slogan, motto, maxim, gnome, adage, proverb, epithet, dictum, precept, aphorism, saw (old-fashioned), apophthegm Definition a general rule or standard These measures offended all the accepted canons of political economy. Synonyms rule, standard, principle, regulation, formula, criterion, dictate, statute, yardstick, precept- precedence
- precedent
- preceding
- precept
- precinct
- precious
- precipice
Additional synonymsDefinition an authoritative instruction that something must be done The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop. Synonyms order, demand, direction, instruction, dictate, requirement, decree, bidding, mandate, canon, directive, injunction, fiat, ultimatum, commandment, edict, behest, preceptDefinition a law made by someone in authority He issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups to disband. Synonyms law, order, ruling, act, demand, command, regulation, mandate, canon, statute, covenant, ordinance, proclamation, enactment, edict, dictum, preceptDefinition a formal statement his dictum that the priority of the government must be the health of the people Synonyms decree, order, demand, statement, command, dictate, canon, fiat, edict, pronouncementDefinition a popular saying or maxim the dictum that it is preferable to be roughly right than precisely wrong Synonyms saying, saw (old-fashioned), maxim, adage, proverb, precept, axiom, gnome Definition a direction or order No reason for this instruction was given. Synonyms order, ruling, command, rule, demand, direction, regulation, dictate, decree, mandate, directive, injunction, behestDefinition a rule or body of rules made by the legislature or other authority the laws of the Church of England Synonyms rule, order, ruling, principle, standard, direction, regulation, guideline, decree, maxim, ordinance, tenet, dictum, preceptDefinition an official or authoritative command to carry out a particular task The union already has a mandate to ballot for a strike. Synonyms command, order, charge, authority, commission, sanction, instruction, warrant, decree, bidding, canon, directive, injunction, fiat, edict, authorization, preceptDefinition a short saying expressing the guiding maxim or ideal of a family or organization, esp. when part of a coat of arms What is your regiment's motto? Synonyms saying, slogan, maxim, rule, cry, formula, gnome, adage, proverb, dictum, precept, byword, watchword, tag-line, saw (old-fashioned) Definition an instruction that must be obeyed Mr North had been arrested on the orders of the Spanish government. Synonyms instruction, ruling, demand, direction, command, say-so (informal), dictate, decree, mandate, directive, injunction, behest, stipulationDefinition an official rule or order ordinances that restrict building development Synonyms rule, order, law, ruling, standard, guide, direction, principle, command, regulation, guideline, criterion, decree, canon, statute, fiat, edict, dictum, preceptAdditional synonymsDefinition a moral rule guiding personal conduct a violation of the basic principles of Marxism Synonyms belief, rule, standard, attitude, code, notion, criterion, ethic, doctrine, canon, creed, maxim, dogma, tenet, dictum, credo, axiomDefinition a rule that governs procedure or behaviour new safety regulations Synonyms rule, order, law, direction, procedure, requirement, dictate, decree, canon, statute, ordinance, commandment, edict, precept, standing order Definition a well-known phrase or sentence expressing a belief or a truth that old saying: `Charity begins at home' Synonyms proverb, maxim, adage, saw (old-fashioned), slogan, gnome, dictum, axiom, aphorism, byword, apophthegm Definition a permanent rule made by a company or other institution a new statute to take in both pay and discrimination laws Synonyms law, act, rule, regulation, decree, ordinance, enactment, edict |