释义 |
English translation of '当中' 名 - (= 中间)
⇒ 几个人当中,只有我信任她。 (Jǐ gè rén dāngzhōng, zhǐyǒu wǒ xìnrèn tā.) Out of a number of people, I was the only one who believed her.
⇒ 讨论当中,他言辞激烈。 (Tǎolùn dāngzhōng, tā yáncí jīliè.) During the discussion he spoke forcefully.
- (= 正中间)
the centre (英) 或 center (美) ⇒ 他站在舞台当中。 (Tā zhàn zài wǔtái dāngzhōng.) He stood in the centre of the stage.