If someone leads you on, they encourage you to do something, especially by pretending that something is true.
I bet she led him on–but how could he be so weak? [VERB noun PARTICLE]
See full dictionary entry for lead
lead on in British English
(tr, adverb)
to lure or entice, esp into trouble or wrongdoing
lead on in American English
to conduct further
to lure or tempt
See full dictionary entry for lead
Examples of 'lead on' in a sentence
lead on
Sometimes - quite often, really - I thought about Eric, and that would lead on to thinking about Thea.
Harris, Elizabeth TIME OF THE WOLF
And to Luke, `I'd follow her lead on this, old chap -- she sees these things more clearly...' te 12
Salley Vickers MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY (2003)
You mentioned over lunch that you might have a lead on them.
Cussler, Clive INCA GOLD (1994)
Chinese translation of 'lead on'
lead on
(= deceive)[person]劝(勸)诱(誘) (quànyòu)
⇒ I bet she led him on.我想她一定引诱他了。 (Wǒ xiǎng tā yīdìng yǐnyòu tā le.)
See lead1
Nearby words of
lead on
lead away
lead back
lead off
lead on
lead on to
lead singer
lead to
All related terms of 'lead on'
lead on to
( result in ) 引起 yǐnqǐ
lead up to
( culminate in : situation ) 导(導)致 dǎozhì ⇒ the events that led up to her death → 导致她死亡的事件 dǎozhì tā sǐwáng de shìjiàn
lead to
( result in ) 导(導)致 dǎozhì
lead off
( in game, conversation, meeting etc ) 开(開)始 kāishǐ ⇒ She led off with a few of her old hit songs. → 她以她的几首流行的旧歌开始了演出。 Tā yǐ tā de jǐ shǒu liúxíng de jiùgē kāishǐle yǎnchū.