any of a family (Poxviridae) of very large, complex DNA viruses affecting skin tissue, including those causing smallpox, cowpox, etc.
poxvirus in American English
nounWord forms: plural-ruses
any of a group of large, brick-shaped DNA-containing viruses that infect humans and other animals, including the viruses of smallpox and various other poxes
Word origin
[1940–45; pox + virus]This word is first recorded in the period 1940–45. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: black box, debrief, set-aside, silkscreen, zap
Examples of 'poxvirus' in a sentence
There is some debate over whether squirrel poxvirus, carried by greys, has been a factor.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Greys carry a poxvirus that is deadly to reds, but are also thought to be having a much wider impact.